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                              ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦                          "𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬                         𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠"

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"𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠".

Angelia laid weak in her bed. Her beautiful white wings took most of the bed space. The small groans that left her lips worried her siblings. "She's been so bloody sick I feel like I'm sick". Klaus voiced, pacing back and forth.

A worried look on his face as his eyes stayed on the half asleep angel. The oldest vampire leaned against the doorway fixing the cuffs of his sleeve. "Everyone is worried Niklaus, including myself". He stated. Rebekah sighed pushing a piece of her blonde curls behind her ear. "I thought angels couldn't get sick".

"We can't". Angelina trembled. Her voice was low and weak as she spoke grabbing everyone attention. "Angel". Bex smiled rushing towards her side. Angela looked up at her sister. A weak smile tugged on her lips. "If you can't why are you so bloody sick?". Klaus demanded to know.

"I-it's my father". The beautiful Angel managed to mutter. "God?". Elijah question. Rebekah eyes lit up. The first ever vampire always wondered if god was real. If heaven she's always dreamed of was as amazing as the humans she met described. "The big guy in the sky is the reason for this nightmare". Klaus snarled almost growling in anger. "He's mad at me". Angelina claimed struggling to sit up.

Rebekah helped her brunette sister up. "What do you mean, love?". Bex asked holding onto her sister shoulders trying to keep the shaking Angelina calm and steady. "He's mad I left". She answered softly. Lacing her fingers together rubbing her shaky palms together she forced a smile on her lips. "He's mad I left heaven". Angelina continued in short breathes.

"It's been a thousand years he's now reacting?". Klaus chuckled sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. Angelina grunted in pain as the house walls grew black. "I-I have to go back". Everyone immediately shook their heads. disapproving of their sister statement. "No". Elijah said sternly. Angelina smiled up at her older brother. The angel held out of arms.

Elijah took the hint his little sister was giving as he scooped her up into his arms. Angelina laid her head against his chest wrapping her arms around herself. "ijah I have to". Angel whispered quietly. Elijah didn't like her words.

He didn't want to chance his littlest sister never coming back down from heaven. Although in the pit of the vampire stomach he need Angelia needed to. "How would you get up there?". Rebekah asked walking over towards her siblings. Klaus had his hands on his hips glaring at his siblings for supporting such a ridiculous idea. At times like this he wished his daggers would work on the powerful angel. That way he could stuff her into a casket and never let anything bad happen to her.

"Klaus". Angelina frowned, her light blue eyes started to slowly glow grey. "Yes?". Klaus managed to answer without snapping in anger.

"Don't be mad and go all werewolf vampire on them okay? You behave and go help cami with whatever she needs". Angel orders her dry chapped lips pressed together in a thin tight line. Klaus eyes soften at his sister request.

"If you wish sister I will".


Camille pushed the Mikaelson compound gates open. With a panic expression written all over her face. The blonde screamed for the dark angel. Klaus came out from the corner his hands wrapping around Cami waist pulling her into him. Her breathing became relax as the smell of Klaus cologne filled her senses.

"Klaus". The human girl breathe out. She twisted in the original hybrid arms. Her hands pressing against his chest as she looked up at him. "Is she okay?". Klaus could smell the fear rolling off her question. The hybrid shook his head. Camille face fell at his answer. She so badly wanted Angelina to be healthy again.

"Where is she?". Cami demanded, her eyes darting from wall to wall. It was times like this she sometimes she wished she had the supernatural abilities to hear everything. "Love". Klaus said sternly holding a struggling cami in place. Camille struggled against his fern hold screaming for him to let her go.

All the blonde wanted was Angelina. Hayley walked down the staircase wobbling over towards the two. The werewolf hand her hands on her pregnant stomach. Hayley eyes were filled with panic. "Klaus-". The pregnant woman didn't finish her sentence before Klaus sped off leaving dust behind towards his sister room. "What's happening Hayley?". The desperation in Camille voice mad Hayley frown. Hayley could feel the maternal panic rolling off Camille. "She's making the house fall apart...nothing a little magic can't fix". The she-wolf tried to reassure the human woman.

"Hayley take me to her please". Cami begged her hands clasping onto Hayley's. Hayley looked over towards the stairway. Camille thanked the werewolf before running off towards the stairs. Dashing up them with no care in the world. The therapist screamed for Angelina to no end before finally making it to the angel room. Cami pushed open the wooden door storming in. Her feet came to a halt.

As the air in her disappeared. A small sob escaped her lips as her hands covered her mouth. Tears swelled up in her eyes as Angelina was being held lifeless in Elijah arms.

"No-no". Cami cried out her knees giving out. She fell to the floor on her knees sobbing completely. Klaus in his own broken state ran towards Camille. He wrapped his arms around her crying silently. Rebekah wrapped her arms around herself as her body collapsed into Marcel's. Marcel held onto his former girlfriend. Elijah placed Angelina on the bed.

He was hovering over her as he fixed his sister hair. Right as he placed a kiss on her forehead. A sudden bright light filled the room making the oldest vampire fly backwards hitting the wall. Everyone fell unconscious. Angelina slowly raised up from her bed. Her legs swinging over the bed. The length of her hair fell to her waist. Her light blue eyes eyes turning into a dark black. Angelina feet never touched the ground as her wings popped out.

The angel leaned forwards her eyes began to bleed as her nails turned into claws. Her claws digging into the wall. Using her own blood she spelled out two words. 'Beacon hills'. Before passing out falling back down on the floor.

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