Chapter three.

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Lee sat underneath the shower head. With her knees pulled up to her chest. The angel was slightly bent over as she used her right hand to scoop up water. Before allowing it to fall back into the tub. "Angelina?". Elijah called out as he knocked on the door. His voice was laced with concerned. Angelina slowly lifted her head . Her eyes landing on the white door.

"I'm fine". Angel whispered underneath her breathe before allowing her head to hang low once again. Ever since they found out the hale house was on top of sacred land. Angelina felt drained. Her body was sore as her powers kept getting out of hand. It was her father punishment starting. She had to get a quick on things. Before everyone dies. "Aunt Lee?".

Hope question as she gently knocked on the bathroom door. Angelina grew panicked as her head lifted. Her eyes widen as she looked around the room. The walls, floors, and mirrors were all black with cracks of lava flowing across. Angelina throat dried up as she tried to push herself up. Only to notice her hands were pale than usual and her nails were long sharp and black. "Hope run". Angelina weakly yelled as she struggled to climb out of the tub. Her legs gave out as her winds grew out. Angelina fell on the floor covered by her wings. Hope didn't waste a second before swinging the door open. The young girl eyes widen as she stared at her unconscious aunt.

"Aunt Lee!". Hope yelled as she ran towards her aunt. Breaking off her bracelet as she fell to her knees. Hovering over her aunt hope pressed her hands against Angelina forehead.

The little girl eyes closed as she began canting a healing spell she created. Each chant grew louder as her hands and arms grew black. Hope wasn't to concern with the pain that shot through her body. Hayley busted through the door . The mother quickly pulled Hope away as she screamed for Klaus. Hope struggled against her mother grip as she wiggled. All she wanted to do was help her aunt. "Mommy no! I'm helping her!". By now the entire Mikaelson family was in the bathroom. The girls while Rebekah was focused on helping Angelina up.

Klaus and Hayley were focused on getting Hope healed up. "What's the hell going on?". Kol asked as he rushed towards his sister aid.


Hope ran down the aisle with her eyes trained on the cooler section. Her legs began to wobble as she ran faster. Right before she fell Hope got scooped up in a man arms. Hope eyes slowly open as she gave the light haspanic boy a smile.
"Sorry sir". Hope meekly muttered as the boy placed her down. "Don't be". The teenage boy grumpily voiced as he helped the shy girl stand straight. "Where's you parents?". He question as his eyes narrowed, scanning across the aisle.

Hope meekly smiled as she shrugged her shoulders. "At home". The baby tribird said nonchalantly. "You're by yourself?". He asked suspiciously. The teenage boy became wary yet concerned. No child should be left alone especially not in public. "Yes, I'm here to get cinnamon rolls. It's auntie lees favorite and she's sick right now". Hope paused as she grabbed onto the boy fingers, pulling him towards the section. Where the cinnamon rolls were held on the highest shelf. "And I need to make her happy, this will make her happy".

Hope declared confidently as she released the Mexican boy fingers. Before opening the cooler door open. Hope turned around as she leaned against the freezer door with her hands against her hips. "My mom says to always trust my instincts. And my instincts says you're good".

Hope eyed him up and down before letting out a breathe, "can I trust you?". She asked. The boy bent down in front of her. "You can never fully trust someone, but you can believe in someone". The boys dimples came out as he gave Hope a small smile. Hope nodded her head as she gave him a wide smile back.

Flashing her own dimples. "I believe in you". Hope said confidently. His eyes closed tightly before slowly opening. Hopes words hit the teen deep, almost made him want to burst into tears. "I believe in you". He said back as he helped her up. Hope squealed as he placed her on his hip. Holding her up as she reached for the cinnamon rolls. "Thank you- hey you didn't tell me your name". Hope huffed as she was placed back down on the floor. "Scott".

Hope eyes widen as she pulled on Scott fingers. Making him bend down towards her. Standing on her tippy toes. Hope leaned towards his ear, "like Scott McCall?". She questioned in a low tone voice. Scott stood back up to his full length towering over her. He slowly nodded his head. Hope excitedly jumped up and down.

Her hands clasped together as she squealed. "I knew I would find you!". Scott raised his eyebrow suspiciously. "Find me?". He questioned. Hope nodded her head smiling from ear to ear. "My family needs you".

Scott inhaled deeply. His stomach twisted with anger yet fear. He was so tired of everyone needing him. Needing something from him.
For once he wanted to feel like a teenager.

"While first let's get you home before anyone needs me right now". Scott sighed as he leaned his arm down offering it for hope to hold on to. Hope clutched onto the roll of cinnamon rolls before looping her free arm with Scott's.

"Scott?". Hope called out his name quietly. Scott hummed as they began to walk towards the check out. "I can smell your anger, what making your heart so mad?". Scott simply didn't reply as he pulled out his wallet. Choosing to ignore the girl lingering stare as he handed the cashier a twenty dollar bill.

"My mommy says my father was filled with rage, hatred, and destruction before he met a girl. Who fought for the goodness in him. And at the end she made him bring that goodness she saw in him out for me. So maybe if you find a person too and a reason for your anger to go away you'll be happy like my daddy". Hope said in such a low voice. No human could hear.

Scott looked down at Hope as he crushed the change in his hands. "I found that girl, she died, just like the reason of goodness died when I did". Hope looked shocked at Scott new tone. It was rude and gruffly. The tone almost made hope scared. But the way he looked at her, the way his heart beat jumped slightly.

She knew he was lying. But she didn't understand why. It's like she knew he knew she could tell his words weren't true. But he didn't know he was lying. It was like he was fighting to believe he had nothing left . "I'm seven not a baby Scott. No need to lie". Hope said calmly.

As she reached forward scooping the plastic bag off the counter before waking ahead.

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