Chapter five

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Scott walked lazily down the stairs. His fingers ran through his hair as a small yawn escaped his mouth. He had only slept for thirty minutes. Ever since he was murdered, Scott found himself lacking sleep. His anxiety was to high to allow himself to be vulnerable. "Hey mama". Scott muttered as he walked towards his mother. Placing a small kiss on her cheek before walking towards the fridge. "I have to go to work, think you'll be okay for awhile?".

Scott looked over the fridge door nodding his head before looking back into the fridge. "Yeah, don't worry". He answered grabbing the half empty gallon of milk. Melissa raised her eyebrow as she took a sip of her coffee. "Want me to call stiles to watch over you?". Scott stopped pouring his milk into his cup. As the flashback of the hour after he came back to life washed over. Scott had went to go check onto stiles instead of resting. Just for him to shove and fight Scott. "Uh no, I'll be fine mom promise". Scott quickly said as he realized Melissa questioning look. "He's busy, and I have to meet up with perish anyways".

Melissa let out a small sigh as she placed her empty mug on the counter. Her hands went on her hips as she gave Scott the look. "I don't like that you've gotten yourself more responsibilities to do instead of resting".
Scott forced himself to give his mother a small smile. "I'm a alpha mom, I don't rest". Melissa rolled her eyes as she let out a small chuckle.

"Stop joking Scott, I'm serious. Get some rest honey". Scott simply drank his milk watching as his mother grabbed her purse and fled out the door. He wasn't joking. It seemed that no one understood he wasn't joking. Scott hadn't gotten proper sleep in a year. The feeling of his phony vibrating in his pocket drawl Scott out of his mental state. He let out a breathe of annoyance as he pulled out his phone looking at the messages from the hellhound. 'Meet in fifteen?'. Scott didn't bother to reply.


"I heard their is a new family in town". Parish awkwardly said as he watched Scott. Scott eyes never left the cop phone screen. "I'm aware". Jordan let out a small breathe as his eyes roamed over Scott body. His body was tense. It was as if Scott was angry. "Do you think they're supernatural?". Jordan asked as he continued to study Scott body language. Scott lifted his gaze towards Jordan's. "Not everyone punished with the curse of being a supernatural creature" . Scott turned on his heel living Jordan behind in a thick awkward air.

"You know what it is?". Jordan finally snapped back to his sense as he rushed after Scott in a hurry. "The last chimera". Scott answered as he allowed Parish to lead Scott through the relay station. Although it seemed like Scott knew where he was going. Scott eyes harden as he looked around the place . They found space completely wrecked.Power cables have been ripped apart and are showering sparks onto the floor, and equipment and cabinets of all kinds have been smashed or knocked over. Scott immediately looked at the puddle of blood and water on the floor near the wall where the technician was killed the previous night. Reminding himself of his own bloody wound. Self consciously he moved his jacket insuring parish couldn't see his bloody wound.

The alpha kneeled down dipping his finger into the puddle of blood. "You still got a blacklight?". He asked as he titled his head looking upwards towards Jordan. Parrish nods and takes the small UV light from his utility belt before handing it over to Scott. Who turned his head shinning the light over the puddle. It amazed Scott how he knew right away what the shadows he revealed meant.

With a small grim, "Mercury means Chimera". The hell hound face had a look of what could only be described as horror. "But what was it doing here? Why come here and kill some random". He began to question. Scott could smell the confusion and fear rolling off him.

"Maybe it just likes to kill. Maybe it's what it does". The alpha answered as he stared at the blood for a moment more. Before standing up.

"...That's terrifying". Parish trailed off as Scott voice replayed in his head. Recounting his dream in his head. Bodies on bodies. Scott face became blank as he turned towards Scott.

"Parrish, how many bodies do you actually see when you dream about the Nemeton?". Jordan sighs as he nervously replied, "everyone".

Scott shoulders tensed as his eye color darkened slightly. "Is there a little girl?". He demanded in a harsh voice. Jordan eyebrow raised up slightly. "What girl Scott?". Scott had began to walk. Only to stop as jordan spoke. With a shook of his head he turned to look at parish.

"A special red head, A firefly". He answered in almost a whisper before turning back around. Leaving parish alone. Scott had a gut wrenching feeling in his stomach. Something wasn't right. The last chimera wasn't gonna be the only problem he faced. And he knew it would all be tied down to Hope Mikaelson. The seven year old girl with innocent blue eyes he found himself in. Scott heart couldn't understand how such a pure innocence could be tangled with darkness.

Beacon hills was about to face. Although his mind could very much wrap itself around the idea. Since his own purity was dancing with the dark spirit he buried hidden in mountain ash.

Where the beast he truly was. Was chained hidden away inside himself. There was a saying he once heard from deaton. Even the hero's are always a hidden villain. "Scott". Parish called out as he ran out of the room. Scott paused in the middle of the dark hallway. Jordan stood six feet away. The lights began to flicker as the deputy looked at his unrecognizable alpha.

"It wasn't a red head but a raven head girl with the evilest blue eyes I'd ever seen. In my dream she laid on top, her naked body had no burn marks unlike the others. She also had the wings of a bird". Jordan stated, his voice almost trembling as he recalled his dreams.

Scott didn't turn to face Jordan nor utter a single word. Instead he continued to walk leaving Jordan alone with the crime scene. That reeked of death. Well death spelt differently, spelt with a A and ended with a A. Angelina.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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