=And just like that, A new school=

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= Notes =

-=1454 words=- 


= Starting =

"Another year, Another school." Grian said to himself He doesn't like going to different schools The small - b r e a d - boy sighs Looking at the school, is name is DsCraft... Werid name he thought to himself, Anyways.  "Grian!" Someone shouted. He couldn't see until- =Insert some randomy cartoonish crash thing= The mysterious figure crash into grian.  Turns out... It was mumbo! They hug for some reason"Mumbo!? You are going to the same school as me?" "Yeah! isn't that cool! "Of course it is!" They stop hugging. Mumbo yawns "The name of this place is werid i would say though-" "Agree."

=While they have their littie chat. Lets look to some other characters shall we?=  

"This school looks massive!" Dream said "Yeah yeah.. I could get fucking lost ALSO the name is shitty like? DsCraft what the fuck is that-" "Come on gogy! Is not that baaaad" "You think? ALSO STOP CALLING ME GOGY FOR FUCK SAKE" george shouted....he sigh while he looks up to dream "Cmon we can make new friends!" "You know i am such a loner" "So?" "I don't want new friends." Dream grunts and looks down at george "Cmon please just for me??" Dream did puppy eyes for some reason |this mother fucker| "Fiiiiiiiiiinnnnnne just stop whining about it" "Only if you say you love me!" ...silent nothing...  then- "No" "Awwwwwww please?" "I said no" "okay fineeeeee" Dream ran in to the school leaving george behind "HEY! Wait for me" george follow behind and bump into a student while trying to follow dream "A- sorry!" "Ah is fine!" the small b r e a d boy said. George stands up "Whats your name?" Grian said "Uhmm" George dash to the school entrance, looking for dream.. "Well okay-" "That was werid" mumbo said "Agree" "I guess he just doesn't like people-" "yeah" "small people" "OI shut" mumbo chuckle a bit. Grian sighs 

=Well one while they both maybe fight lets go to impusleSV!=

"This school is really pretty!" impusle said "I wonder if tango and zedaph are here?" "Thats pretty unlikey they most likey went to get boba without me!" "HEY IMPUSLEEEEEEEEEEEE" Impusle cover his ears. He has sensitive ears "ah- sorry for being loud." Tango hugged him "Is fine.." "Are you sure?" "Yeah is okay! you didn't mean to" Then out of nowhere "Hi tango! Hi impusle!" zedpah said while hugging him "Where did you came from-" "don't ask!" "classic zedpah" zedpah was the shortest of the group like really short- they both look down at zedpah "Still short as ever?" Tango and impusle gives out a small chuckle, Zedpah frowns "Oh shut up you guys are just tall" "Yeah then that means everyone is tall!" "really? then what about him?" Zedpah points at the small bread boy "Well at least you have a friend!" "yeah yeah" "Cmon go and say hi!" tango pushed zedpah closer to the small bread boy that is with a tall black hair with a bowtie |Huh?| grian thought "Uhmm Hello!" grian said "Uh.. Hi!" "whats your name?" "my.. my nam-" zedpah looks at impusle and tango, Impusle nods "my name is grian! what about you?" "My...My name is zedpah.." "thats cool!" zedpah look at the taller black hair witha bowtie boy "Hello there." Mumbo said "Hi..Whats your name?" Mumbo zone out for some reason.. Something feels werid he looks so similar yet... he just can't get a good look.. Grian slaps him in the face S O F T L Y "Oi wake up" "Ow- oh yeah. Sorry! my name is mumbo" zedpah look confused.. Why did mumbo zone out? And why does he look similar... zedpah thought.. "Okay thats a cool name but i am gonna get going" zedpah dash to impusle while impusle was walking away "Never again" "Cmon at least you got new friends right?" zedpah look around and realized that tango isn't around now. "Where is tango?" "Getting boba as usual" "Oh! did you tell him to get me and you one as well? "Of course i did" they both walk into the cafeteria "This place looks better than last school we where in!" impusle said  "Agree" "Wonder why is called DsCraft though?" "cmon i think is a good name!" "Nah is not" "Aw shut up" "should we just wait for tan-" "Guys! guess who got boba?" "BOBA" zedpah shout "zedpah not to loud.. You know impusle has sensitive ears" "sorry.." they both look at impusle who was already cover his ears "Sorry impusle" "is fine..." they took the boba and drink it cause yeah 

=Welp while they drink their boba lets go on to tommyinnt!"

"This name is so crappy dude" tommy said "Agree like what fucking school is name -DsCraft LIKE i would rather go to a school called CloverFall school!" tubbo said "seriou-" tommy wasn't looking and he bump into someone "Ah what the fuck" "Sorry!" stress said "Ohhhhhh sorry ma'am.." "tommmmy" tubbo let out a small sight "Don't do that shit again" "Not like you can stop me!" "oh yeah?" tubbo hug tommy really tightly "OI STOP HUGGING ME" Tommy shouted "the woman already left "AW TUBBO YOU MAKE ME MISS MY CHANCE" "Oh fuck off you where just joking you don't like anyone bitch" "Okay fine-" Tommy grunts, Tubbo chuckles "Whatever. I am go get coke" "dude is there even an-" tommy push tubbo away slightly and rush to the cafeteria "HEY!" Tubbo follow behind He slips and hits his head, Tommy looks behind thinking he would see a mad tubbo chasing him exepct that wasn't what happen "Tubbo!" tommy shouted "Tubbo are you okay?" tommy was.. Panicking. Tubbo had fraglie bones with softer but thiner skin Tommy was getting worry as fuck "I am fine don't have a panic attack mother fucker" tubbo said. He was bleeding a bit over his head it hurt like a bitch but he was fine everyone was looking at them. then "Holy fuck are you okay?" impusle said. Impusle crouchs down "I am fine" "Dude your bleeding a ton" tommy didn't say anything. just slient. Tommy doesn't like to be look at .He seems like he was about to cry for some reason then he dash away "Tom-" before he could even say his name he was already gone.. Tubbo felt light headed. Surely he wasn't gonna die that would be dumb, He couldn't lost that much blood has he? =Jumpcut= He is in well idk what you call it so i would just say medic center-{  Hurts but whatever tubbo thought then. "TUBBO!" tommy shouted, He dash to tubbo looking like he was about to cry again "Please.." "I will be fucking fine dumbass stop overeacting" "If my bestfriend is fucking bleeding on their head a ton KNOWING you have fragile bones with a soft but thinner skin they should be fucking worried" "is not tha-" before even finishing his sentence, Tommy hug him tightly "at least your okay.." "Clingy bitch" 

=more notes=

"LOOK I TRIED OKAY. Also just to let you know not everyone knows eachother like. Grian and zedpah don't know eachother and stuff yeah? okay yeah Anyways this is my first time writing so i am really really sorry if is bad- Just to let you know this will also come out on AO3 for now i am not done with the log in stuff yk I like ZIT team alot so i would prob do a good amount of them but i will do others as well! tell me what people i should do for the next one? i know this is short but srsly i didn't have any idea! also if you watch mei_ then you would understand what coverfall is hahha ALSO THERE IS NO SHIPPING OKAY I DON'T SHIP PEOPLE PLEASE  TOMMY X STRESS IS NOT A FUCKING THING HERE IS JUST THAT YOU KNOW TOMMY AND STUFF ADKMNDHJDKJADHA PELASE IAAAS PLEASE ASDAD OKAY?"

=Random other stuff=

Tommy can get clingly as fuck if his bestfriend is hurt or just friend is hurt/crying or ig-

Although tommy just acts like a bitch most of the time ANYWAYS

Tommy doesn't like stress. He was just playing cause he does that alot -NOT A PLAYER HE JUST DOES IT FOR JOKES 

=But srsly give me ideas i need them=

=also help me with a new name for this school the name is so crap what the fuck=

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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DsCraft | Dsmp + Hermitcraft highschool crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now