The Love That Wasn't

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The Love That Wasn't

I was obviously blinded by love, as people say. I didn't see what was happening in my relationship. It was like trying to use a car with a broken engine.

Bam! The door slammed. I stood in the empty kitchen when it happened. As I walked towards the glass table, I was angry because of the argument we had.
My dad just didn't understand that I wanted to be a father. The argument started when I told him that Jennifer and I were planning to have a baby.

"No! I will not let you ruin your life Justin," he answered.

"But," I paused thinking of what to say, "we're ready and we love each other."

"Readiness and love aren't the only things you need to raise a child," he argued. And that's when he left, as if the world was nothing.

At that moment, I wished my dad would accept our decision and let us have a baby. I wanted to know what it's like to be a father. I wanted to give
Jennifer a family as if it were the first Christmas gift she'd see.

That afternoon, when my dad came home, I walked towards the room past the sewer-like bathroom in the hallway. I made the decision to go in his room
and have a talk, to reason with him. The conversation was calm, no voices that would lead people to ask questions. The good thing that came out of
that conversation was that he gave me a job at his family restaurant. I never wanted to work there, but it was what I needed to show him I wanted the

"If you really want this baby, you'll work for it," he suggested. "I am going to give you a job at my family's restaurant, and when you can handle
yourself, then we'll talk."

"Thank you dad, so much, I won't let you down," I said with a smile. "You'll see how much I want this." In cases like these I thought it would've
ruined the relationship between my dad and I.

I didn't start to work until the day after, but I wanted to learn a few things before I started working there. My dad had left a few minutes before
so I thought I could ask him for a ride back home after.

On my way to the restaurant, I noticed a storm coming so I started to walk faster. As I was speeding towards the restaurant, I realized that I hadn't
told Jennifer about the job. I knew that me getting a job for us would make her happy, so I decided to tell her on the first day of school, which was

When I walked in the front door of the formal place, I saw Jennifer sitting by herself at a distant table. I still didn't want her to know about the
job, so I hid behind a plant that was just a few steps away. As I was furtively hiding behind the plant, I saw my dad walking straight towards
Jennifer's table, he was going to sit. Then, when my dad sat with her on the white colored table, I saw why Jennifer was here and it wasn't for the
food. I had witnessed a kiss between Jennifer and my father!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what I saw, so I ran out of that heinous place through the backdoor hoping it'd be an escape. As I ran towards
my home, I felt the drops of the cold rain that were coming from the storm I had seen on my way to the restaurant. I couldn't think about anything
else, but how I was going to handle that situation. At that point though, I understood why my father didn't want me to have a baby with Jennifer, he
wanted her for himself.

As I came closer and closer to my home, I began to feel like there was something I had to do. I had to end the relationship between Jennifer and I.
When pulling out the keys to the door, I saw the key chain that had a picture of Jennifer while she was at the park celebrating her birthday last
year. Part of me wanted to throw it in the pile of mud at the front of the house, but I decided to give it to her in person.

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