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God, the sun is beautiful today. I've always loved the sun. I can remember as a child I used to step in and out of the shade and faint sunlight coming through the blinds, always preferring the warmth.
"Hey! Clary!" Even six months after our first date I still can't get used to being called that. " Hey, Keith, you didn't tell me you were coming to the beach today."
"Yeah, I uh wanted to surprise you. You don't mind do you?"
"Oh, of course not hun, I'm just glad to see you."
That day the sun couldn't have been brighter. We walked along the beach until we reached the boardwalk and Keith began showing off as always.
"Hey how much for that panda?" He asked the plump vendor.
"You have to win the panda!" Quipped the vendor, in a thick European accent.
"Alright, then I guess, I'll just have to win." Accepted Keith.
"Babe you really don't have to, where am I even going to put it "
"You'll find a place." He replied
"ALRIGHT, one shot for the man and the pretty lady!" Keith shot 7 baskets and didn't make any of them.
Keith let's just go, it's getting a little late." I pleaded.
" Just one more shot."
" Okay, one more." I cautioned.
So he took the shot and missed and I pleaded with him to go home, but he wasn't listening.
"Alright, can we just go now it's okay."
"No!, I said, one more shot!"
"Hey, no need to yell, better luck next time my friend." Pleaded the vendor.
"I'm leaving, you can stay here and shoot all night if you want."
While walking home that night, I thought about about Keith and I, our relationship I mean, it always seems so one sided. Not just today, but most days. Anytime I suggest a restaurant, or a movie, or club he always has something else planned, some other place that we should try, or simply somewhere else to be. I usually just go with It, because I love him.My family loves him, but they don't see him, the real him. That's why I frequent the beach my oasis, my home.
Sudden shouting in the distance derailed my thoughts.
"You don't need to shout, Karen."
"YES I DO! Because you don't seem to be hearing me!"
Not many people were on the beach at this point. As I looked up, the stars began to emerge in the opacity of the sky. The farther I walked the more distant the couples quarreling became, and the brighter the stars shone.

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