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The next day I decided to visit my mother. I know how much she adores Keith, but I need to tell her about the real Keith, the one that hides behind a brilliant smile and impeccable charm.
"Mom, you here?" I asked, maybe a bit too loud as I was entering.
She always keeps the key in the rose bush dad planted.
"Yeah, hun." She announced
"Mom I need to talk to you about something. "
"Give me a second sweetheart, I need to put Genora down for a nap."
My sister was always a little eccentric, with the guys she dated, with the guy she ended up marrying and even in naming her daughter.
" Sleep well norie."
"Hi auntie Clara." She said sleepily
I walked past her room and into the bathroom. After locking the door I stared into the mirror, I had had the same curly deep brown locks as always, the same smooth caramel skin, the same hazel eyes. But something changed, not outward appearance but a part of me had died, or at the least shrunk. The part of me that was independent, strong, defiant, and confident. I feel as though everything that makes me, me had just withered away to compensate for everything that is Keith. And it's no one's fault but my own.
My mother saved me from further pondering.
"CC, you said you needed to talk." She stated matter of factly.
"Uh, yes it's about Keith--
" Oh, how is that handsome sweetie of yours?"
"Not as sweet as you think." I mumbled to myself.
"Mom I wanted to talk to you about how Keith is when he's not around you or Narissa." I began.
" What do you mean, he's always so polite and kind." She reasoned.
"Not always, he's controlling, mom. When I'm not with him he always asks where I'm going and who I'm going with."
" Well that's part of being in a relationship, darling, he's probably just worried about you." She stated
"Yes, I understand concern, but there is a fine line between being protective and obsessive." With that I began to walk out.
"Clara, wait, have you tried expressing how you feel about his behavior, tell him, and just maybe the two of you can work through it. You shouldn't give up on love so easily. "
My mother, as usual, was right. I was ready to let him go without even telling him what was wrong. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow and solve our problems.

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