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After leaving my mother's house I went to the beach to clear my head. If I really loved Keith, and he really loved me then we should be able to work past this, this miscommunication. That's it! I'll just ask him to meet me here tomorrow so we can solve all this and finally move forward, maybe he'll actually listen this time. Now I just have to decide what to do if he doesn't.
When I got home I called Keith about meeting me at the beach, he seemed puzzled but agreed to meet me none the less.
The next morning I arrived at the beach at 8 o'clock sharp. I haven't always been an early riser. I remember how I used to hate getting up in the morning, but as I got older I began to see the opportunity mornings held. How the earlier I woke up, the more hours the day had.

Oh, I see a man, wearing Keith's favorite shirt. Keith, didn't blow me off, that's a first.
" Hey, Keith!"
I realized, the man in the blue and grey tank top was not Keith.
"I am so sorry."
He had eyes just as deep, and bluer then the ocean beside us. His hair was wavy and dark, contrasting greatly with the fair, muscular outline of his skin. He seemed confused as if he was trying to figure something out, before I walked up to him.
We fell into conversation. I spotted hip twirling around a wedding ring and became curious, we spent the next half hour or so talking. He then asked, "... So where's this boyfriend of yours? "
" You know I've been wondering the same thing." I stated.
I turned around, to see if Keith had arrived yet. Just as I was about to give up and say my goodbyes to Nathan, I spotted Keith. I guess he decided to show up. Keith was jogging up toward me with a confused, almost hurt look on his face.
" Hey Keith." I said, a little flustered
"Who's this?" He replied while eyeing Nathan suspiciously.
"This is Nathan, he was just keeping me company while I was waiting for you." I said curtly.
"Oh, I see" continued Keith " I ran a little late so you start talking to complete strangers!"
"Keith, I am not a child! I don't need your permission to talk to people!" I nearly shouted.
"Yeah, when it comes to guys you do." Retorted Keith.
"Hey, she wasn't doing anything, I'm sorry. We were just talking." Interjected Nathan.
"Shut up." Spat Keith "This is between me and her."

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