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I took a look at my phone to see if anything had changed.

Karen A.
Calls sent: 14
Calls received:0

I hate it when she doesn't answer my calls, when she doesn't give me a chance to explain. I do listen to her. In fact, the sound of her small but commanding voice reminds me of a symphony of birds, they start off as one or two but then swell into the most beautiful sounds imaginable.
Listen to me, I'm sitting here daydreaming about her and she's neglecting to answer my calls. Maybe it's her who never listens to me.
The summer heat engulfs me as soon as a step out the door, but the magnificence of the turquoise sky makes up for the harsh heat. The beach is just a ten minute walk from my house so instead of taking the air conditioned car I decide to enjoy the heat while it lasts. There's a funny thing about summer, about how many people claim it as their favorite of all the cycles of the earth. I enjoy the scenery of the summer, but I've always thought that it was too hot and that it ended too fast. Summer makes you cherish it before it leaves you to contend with a bitter and cold winter.
I was at the beach before I realized. I dipped down into the pocket of my cargo shorts and pulled out the small silver hoop that was to be a promise of our eternal freindship, our eternal love. I put over my band and circled it again and again trying to remember what went wrong.
Just then, a woman called out to me.
"Hey, Keith!"
She stepped closer and realized her mistake.
"Oh, I am so sorry."
She had these brilliant bright brown, hazel almost eyes, and this deep caramel skin.
She looked confused.
"Oh, it's no problem, I was just thinking." I stammered.
" Your shirt, my boyfriend has one exactly like it, and since he's nowhere to be seen I guess he's not coming. "
" Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, seems like he's the one missing out."
She gave me a look of dissaproval.
"So this is what you do you go to the beach, and hit on women while wearing a wedding ring."
"Oh, this," I said, one again circling the ring. " as of three days ago this no longer has any significance." I said, colder than I meant to.
"I'm sorry, again. It seems as though I'm always apologizing."
"So don't, you didn't cause this. Anyway enough about my romantic troubles, where's this boyfriend of yours? " I asked.
"You know, I'm wondering the same thing.

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