Chapter 1

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It's 11'o'clock and Aisha is still finishing her pending works though its her off day. Aisha - a self dependent, confident and talented woman. She is delicate in heart and can do nothing but best for others. She is an engineer. She lives with her parents and younger brother.

Suddenly a phone rings. As soon as she picked it up, a scream came out of the phone, "Where are you !? "
"I'm sorry ! I'm coming. I'll be there in half an hour I promise ", Aisha replied.
" Please do ! I need you right now "

Actually it was her very close friend and kind of cousin Sara. Sara is Aisha's mother's college friend's daughter. Sara has a brother named Aayaan. Aisha has been a very close friend of them since childhood.
Today is Sara's engagement and Aisha has to reach there as soon as possible otherwise she's gonna kill her. So she grabs her phone, bag and runs to the car

(At Sara's house)

Everyone is busy preparing for the evening. Sara and her mom Bobby is experimenting some of her jewelleries. Suddenly Aisha enters through the door and quickly gives a tight hug to Sara. Sara pulls her off and stares at her as if she is very mad. "I'm sorry please don't be mad. I love you, you know right "
Sara smiles and gives her a hug back.

In the evening, everyone is busy getting ready and going to the venue. Aisha has got ready and goes to Sara's room. Sara is all dressed up.
"You look beautiful ! "
"You are right. " a voice came near the door. It was Ayaan. Sara and Aisha both look at him. Ayaan moves toward Sara and hugs her. "You are the most beautiful in the world and I'm proud that you're my sister ". They both smile.
After that they quickly run to the venue.

(At the venue)

Sara's would-be fiancee has arrived and they are all ready to get engaged. Her fiancee's name is Farhad.
Suddenly Bobby realize that the gift of the groom was missing. Bobby pointing at Aisha and Ayaan " Can you two please bring the boxes? Maybe I left it on the showcase " They both then run to get the thing. After getting it, while Aisha and Ayaan both began to walk as fast as the can, Aisha suddenly slips on something and just as soon she was about to fall, Ayaan grabbed her hand tight and didn't let her fall. Aisha's heart starts beating fast and when she looks up, their eyes meet each other
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine" pulling her eyes off. Then they return to the hall room.

Sara puts the ring Farhad's hand and Farhad puts the ring to Sara's hand

"Woahhh! " everyong screams. Aisha runs to Sara and hugs her, " Congratulations!! You're finally engaged". Sara thanks her blushing.

After few hours while everyone is busy talking,
Bobby and Aisha's mom Shila standing and looking at their children how happy they are.
"I'm so happy for Sara ", Shila says.
"Yeah, I'm relieved about Sara now. I've to think about Ayaan's future now "
Bobby pauses and suddenly she recalled something. "Hey, you remembered that? " staring at Shila excitedly.
"About Aisha and Ayaan!"
Shila laughs, "Oh yeah I do remember. You wanna grab my daughter and make your daughter-in-law "

"Yess!Please we really need to work on that from now. I don’t have to worry about Sara anymore. I just want to make it official and bring you daughter"

"But what about Ayaan? Does he know? "No" says Bobby. "I haven’t told him about our idea yet, but soon I'll tell him and see what really he wants "
"Right " Shila nods.

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