Chapter 2

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Sara lifting all the gifts she got on her engagement last week . Sara rests herself beside her mother Bobby . She exhales and says " It was such an exhausting week for real " . Bobby nods . " But I'm happy that everything went well " Bobby says .

"Oh I have discussed something really important with Shila that day " . "Really what's that ?" " We actually recalled about the thing we thought about Ayaan and Aisha " . " Are you serious ! " Sara screamed. " Omg that's huge " . "Yeah I know but we have to talk to Ayaan first because we don't know if he really can think about her like that " . Sara agrees, "You're right.Aisha has been our best friend and cousin at the same time since childhood but it would be amazing thinking her as my brother's wife!" Sara grinning excitedly .


Ayaan comes from his outing with friends since it was a weekend and walks straight to his room . Sara whispering to Bobby and pointing Ayaan to discuss the matter they both have been thinking the whole day.Bobby walks into the room and greets her son." So how was your day ? " Bobby asks . " It was overwhelming . I have met them after seven years "Ayaan replies . Bobby's face is clear that she is hesitating to tell something . " So I was thinking about something ..." , "What?" Ayaan raises one of his eyebrows . " I and Sara have been thinking about your wedding " . Ayaan laughs softly "It's ok ,Ma. Its a long way after Sara, you don't have to worry about me " .

" Do you have anyone in mind ? I mean any girlfriends or ..... " Bobby asks . Ayaan shakes his head and holds his mother's hand " It's nothing like that, Ma . You know me I would never date anyone under your supervision besides I'm not like that " Ayaan claims . Bobby smiles secretively . " So I actually have someone in my mind ..for you " . Ayaan keeps his eyes on his mother . "It's Aisha . I have been thinking about her since a very long time ." Ayaan pauses and stares in shock . "I know it is little weird for you but since you don't have anyone in your life and we had to think of your wedding someday " Bobby admits . Bobby places her hand on her son " I think you should give it a thought " and smiles . Ayaan doesn't speak a word untill Bobby leaves the room .Ayaan has been always his mama's boy . He can never let down his mother's words. Sara standing beside the door and listening their conversation the whole time.

Sara walks into the room and try to comfort him. "Are you okay?" Sara asks . Ayaan nods "Yeah yeah I'm fine". "Look , I know it's kind of weird but we all love her right ? What's the fault of giving it a thought once ?" . "I don't have any problem with her . She has been such a close friend of mine since we were young and...", Ayaan pauses . " I know it . Listen, you have always looked at her as a friend or a cousin . But try to look at her from your heart . Not the way you have always thought or looked but in a different way " . Sara leaves the room with a soft smile .

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