Chapter Eighteen- Prom and It's Hangover

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I took Cam out to dinner that evening, although most of the date consisted of me apologizing for getting drunk and not remembering what had happened Friday night. However, I did not mention anything about Will's party, or drugs, or Danielle. She didn't need to know that, and truthfully, I didn't want to admit to it.

Will acts like nothing happened over the weekend when I see her at school today. She just stays by Julian and Cam, barely even talking to me. I'm okay with that too, somehow. I wanted answers, but at the same time, I didn't even remember everything that happened. What all did we even do? And not only did I do those things, but Will and Danny have been doing this for a while now. Why? What was the point?

The smallest part of me misses it, though.

Unfortunately, this is all kind of bad timing, because prom is this weekend, and then the next week is AP testing, which I am not ready for whatsoever. May is already a week in, and soon junior year will be over. My one-year anniversary with Cam is just around the corner, and I have no idea what the hell I'm going to give to her or what we're doing. Everything is happening so fast, yet I have no answers to any questions I have been asking. They just pile up and weigh me down. Soon I'll be dead on the ground. Maybe it'll be nice, to have a break from everything.

I rush to find Will at the end of the day, but instead I find Bret at his car in the parking lot. I call out his name right before he pulls out of his spot.

"Hey, Ryan. What's up?" he says.

I bend over at the waist and lean into his car through the open window. "Uh, Bret, this may be a little weird, but you remember when you and Danielle were kind of a thing last summer?"

He squints his eyes even through his sunglasses. "Yeah, why do you bring that up?"

I hesitate, not knowing how to word my next question. "Did... was... did she ever leave anything at your place?"

He narrows his eyes and shakes his head a little. "Not that I know of. Why? Does she think she left something there?"

I stare at him. "No, um, she just... nothing. Just curious."

He looks at me weird for a long time but finally says, "Okay, Ryan. See ya."

I back up and give a little wave goodbye as he pulls away. I'm so stupid. Of course, it's not Bret. It can't be. Yeah, he might be mad at Danny for leading him on for all that time, but he would never use it against her. He doesn't even know her that well. He wouldn't hurt her, and he wouldn't send me roses and notes and a missing earring. He doesn't think she killed Wentz.

Does he?


I look up, although I should've known who it was considering I smelled cigarettes when I got near Bret's car. "So now you're going to talk to me?"

Will stares at me through her sunglasses, her hand holding a cig out the window. "What are you doing?"

"Going to pick up Lily."

"Want to go to Jammy's?" she asks. "My treat."

I sigh and stare at her sun beating down on her face. It's warm today, but she still has on one of her black band tees. "You put that out when she gets in the car."

"Yes sir."

It's mostly silent as she drives me to the elementary school, but Lily breaks that once we pick her up and drive to the diner. I'm not really listening, and Will seems out of it too. Yeah, she usually drives with one hand, but today her elbow is propped out the window while her head rests in her palm. She drives slower, and she doesn't have rap or rock music in. It's just the radio playing pop music, something I've never heard in her car.

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