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How was she supposed to breathe when he was near? He just had to enter a room in the most normal way and her eyes were directly on him. Maybe because she had previously heard him arriving or simply because she had felt him approaching. Either way she just knew he was about to cross the guild's doors and she was waiting for him to appear in front of her eyesight. He was so handsome. Who could really look at him and not think so? He had this presence when he entered the room. It wasn't like he owned the room or anything like that. It's just that he lived there most of his life and the guild's his home, which makes him feel so proud that his head was always high and his lips up when he entered the place. Then he would look for her around the guild. It was always the first thing he was doing whenever he entered the building and knew she was there. Of course she knew because she was always looking at him first. Not that it was a competition. He never missed doing it. Once he'll meet her eyes he'll give her a smile. This smile he was giving her once he'd find her in the crowd, the expression in his eyes. That was always something beautiful. Something meant for her and her only. Each and every time she finds herself gasping for air a minute or so later. She can only guess her breathing stops the moment he lays eyes on her but she couldn't exactly know because her entire being is so focused on him that she doesn't really know what happens to her own body and mind in those moments. At the very least he gives her that smile because of course there were times when he had business to attend. Oh but do not worry, more often than so, the most important thing he had to do was talk to her.

When he'd start walking towards her, still with a smile on his face, ready to tell her whichever story he had to tell, she would not lose sight of him. He of course had to watch his steps so even if he wanted to walk blindly towards her, he couldn't take one step without being cut off in his way. It always has been the case. That didn't matter, she could stare more precisely. Look at the way his form would move around the obstacles, placing an arm in front of him, moving his shoulders in a straight line with his chin, his hair flying in all places, his hips rolling. All of him moving towards her, each time a magical ballet; perfectly choreographed and beautiful. A private show.

Arriving at her table, her name pronounced in a whisper, a hand placed on hers. On some rare occasion, a hand on her shoulder, or on her cheek, even a kiss on her forehead, once. Then he would sit across from her and ask her how she is or say something silly and she would let out a small laugh, sign that she was finally breathing. Talking to him for hours on end was always a delight. She couldn't really know if he was aware of what he was doing to her. He sure looked like he was. But no one could ever truly know with Gray. Maybe that was what was so thrilling about him, about them. Trying to find out about his true feelings, keeping certain things secrets.

To believe he'd keep her breathless only when they would meet eyes would be stupid. There also were these moments when they were alone, perfectly invited or uninvited between the safe walls of their houses, always welcome nonetheless. She loved to cook for him, take care of him, read to him, listen to music with him, dance with him, and discuss worthless matters with him. People were bold to assume he wasn't a physical kind of person. It was him who would bring her closer to him, it was him who was pressing his cheek against hers, it was him who would come behind her, place his hands on her hips and kiss her neck when she was doing the dishes after their meals. Oh how she would stop breathing in these moments. Her heart was beating so fast, requiring more blood that her lungs could not provide. His breath though, she could feel it caressing her ear, getting down her cheek, her neck and along her shoulder. He couldn't tell her he loved her, for whatever reasons he had found. But he sure knew how to show her. It was clear between them that nothing as close as being a couple couldn't be on the table unless they would both be ready. Of course it had been an open discussion, if not long, it had been efficient. Juvia couldn't and wouldn't stop voicing her affection towards him every hour of every day while Gray couldn't and wouldn't voice it at all, he knew he would not have been able to hide it either even if he wanted to. He had to show it somehow and the only way was through touching. She had no complaints of course. Each touch of his skin on hers felt like fire. Like a feather caressing her arm. Like a summer ray of sun. This addicting shot of ecstasy he would give her, it was often short but so intense. She loved it.

He probably knew he made her breathless at times, maybe because she would become stiff underneath his touch and just stop moving all together. The first time he got quite sacred because she had the reaction of someone that was scared, someone that didn't want to be touched. She had reassured him by saying that, first, she wasn't used to be touched by someone else and that his was so intense that her body did not know how to react except from stopping working all together. She'd close her eyes and after a long moment of silence when he'd only be able to hear his own breathing, he had to let go.

"Juvs, you need to breathe." He would whisper in her ear before letting go of her waist and stepping two feet away from her. Instantly she would breathe so heavily anyone else would probably think he was choking her. Her wet hand would place itself on her chest, feeling her heart racing underneath her palm. He could only be a useless spectator. A mere hand touching her shoulder to assure she would be okay would only disturb her even more. At some point she'd look at him above her shoulder and would chuckle as if to say "Look what you're doing to me." but never uttering a word of that thought. 

He could leave her with no air for days on if so was his wish. If it meant that she'll be close to him for eternity then so be it. He was her air. It was when he wasn't close that she was truly suffocating. He'd be the only person she needs to stay alive. He'd be her air, her water, her food, her love, her everything. He'd give all of his being to her and hers to him. They'd be complete together. Those suffocating souls in desperate need of air. 


I wasn't sure if I was gonna try to write for Gruvia week until today so there you have it. Most of it is gonna be messy as fuck but I hope it'll be appreciable either way. Enjoy this beautiful week to appreciate our wonderful couple. We wish them (and ourselves) more loving moments together this year. Take time to make a little Greige and all. 


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