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With her eyes closed in comfort, Juvia was gently drying her hair with a towel while humming a song. Trampling all around the room in her underwear, her skin still a bit red from the hot shower, she laid down the towel to take a brush. Her gaze fell on the gentle rain that was falling outside, making her smirk. She started brushing her hair slowly, she liked feeling it on her bare back, going left and right, following her head's movement. Her legs stopped pacing around once she passed in front of the long mirror stuck to the wall.

Juvia looked at her reflection for a second before placing all of her hair along her back and turning around to look where they were reaching. She touched the crook of her back, right where her blue curls stopped. They grew since the last time she cared about their length. It didn't disturb her during fights so she didn't feel the need to cut them, maybe she'll let them be for a while. She liked to see them float around her in her bath, the way Gray liked to play with it whenever he felt like it, the fact that she could style them easily and again, how it fell on Gray's face when she would kiss him while on top of him. She smiled at the thought before taking a moment to analyze what the mirror was showing her.

Years of missions and fights had given her quite a strong figure, yet still feminine. Looking at her muscled legs and arms, at her firm bum and bosom, at her white skin, her long neck, her gentle face, she loved what she saw. She looked good, she looked hot, she truly thinks she always has been looking pretty. There was a time when she couldn't dare to look at herself, not even in the water's reflection. Not because she thought herself ugly, but because she felt like it. Looking straight into her own eyes had been impossible back then, one second of it and she could see how rotten she was inside. She used stores' glass sometimes to make sure she was dressed properly, avoiding looking at her face. Juvia never really owned a mirror in the first place. She had one at her disposal as a kid, like all the other's, but even back there seeing her reflection had been painful. She pushed away the hair that were falling on her eyes, adjusted the strap of her bra and brushed her fingers against her stomach, lingering on her scar. Among all the forms and marks on her body, she personally thought that it was one of the most beautiful ones. She never looked at it with hatred, neither hers nor Gray's, but she did cry every time she remembered it was there the month following the event.

Juvia had been lost in her thoughts before feeling hands on her hips that moved along her stomach before resting on her abdomen. Gray's hair tickled her neck as he laid his head on her shoulder. She had been so out of it that she didn't even hear him enter the room.

"Do you like what you're seeing?" Gray asked in a teasing tone.

Juvia's smile widened as she ran her fingers in his hair. "Even more now." The feeling of his cold torso on her back made her shiver. At the same time, the heat of his hands on her stomach made her body grow hot.

"What were you thinking about while admiring your beauty?"

They stared at each other through the glass, wearing those stupid smirks they didn't seem to be able to get rid of. Juvia studied Gray's perfect features for a second, thinking that this man would never have one day in his life when he won't be smashingly handsome.

"Juvia was just remembering how she hated mirrors before she joined Fairy Tail. Juvia can admit that even after that, it took a few weeks for her to like that reflection." Seeing him furrow his brows, ready to retort, Juvia quickly cleared the misunderstanding. "Juvia is not talking about her appearance. She always had more serious matters going through her head to ever question that. But if Juvia ever crossed her reflection, all Juvia could see was the pain she caused wherever she went, and before that, how lonely and depressed she was. Juvia was already at war with her conscience, it was no need to want to punch herself in the face too. Avoiding mirrors was far easier."

Gray silently placed a kiss on her shoulder as she was still running her fingers along his nape and hair.

"Look at you now, looking at that scar with a smile on your face."

"It's a sign that Juvia's been able to save you and that she redeemed herself, even if just a little bit."

"You totally did. There's nothing but pride and love in those eyes." He traced a trail of kisses along her neck, jaw and cheek. "It's a shame you couldn't see yourself all this time though, you've always been painstakingly beautiful."

"You didn't know Juvia then."

"I saw it with my own eyes when I met you. From that I can only imagine."

She laughed, mocking him. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that even when you were throwing boiling water at me I found you attractive. Is it that hard to believe?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed while trying not to laugh at him.

"I'm not kidding! All the way through I was thinking; "Damn girl! You're making my body feel things!"

Juvia couldn't control her hysterical laughter now, she was strongly holding his hands because there was no way he just blurred out such nonsense. She could hear him chuckle in her ear. Although exaggerating to make her laugh, she knew he was telling the truth.

"Juvia was merely attacking you, all your body felt was pain."

"No really I'm talking about one particular part -"

"Juvia gets it, Gray-sama! There was literally no need to explain. At all!"

She turned around in his arms, enveloping his neck with her arms while he connected their bodies closer together.

"Juvia was having a serious talk about her rotten soul, how could we end up talking about Gray-sama's desires?" Gray chuckled in response.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you that your soul is the sun now and that I love you. Also you're half naked in my arms so how could I resist?"

"Well, you know how Juvia feels all day long now."

"What a torture." He whispered mockingly close to her lips before she closed the gap between them. Tasting the sourness of the coffee on his tongue. When she opened her eyes and met his dark orbs, she felt so proud of themselves. Their souls healed one another. It took a lot of time, battles, talks and a shitload of love but that's how they became so fucking breathtaking.


It's #GruviaWeek again! I'm so happy to celebrate this love even though inspiration is a bitch this year! Please enjoy all the art and stories i'm sure they'll all be great!  

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