chapter 3; trouble

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[small content warning]

"i knew you were trouble when you walked in"
[ i knew you were trouble - taylor swift ]

music blasted in Dreams ears as he drove with Sapnap and Karl singing in the background. He had just picked them up a couple minutes ago and immediately started driving as soon as they got in.

Dream was remotely excited for this. He hadn't gone to an actual party in a while and he was glad to go to one again with his best friends. the thought of possibly making new friends made a wave of adrenaline flow throughout his body once again.

Dream had basically spent his whole life with Sapnap and Karl and he loved them but sometimes he wished he was more social and had more friends. having to spend your time with the same people over and over again made him feel like he wasn't normal. like he was supposed to have more friends but for some reason only he didn't. he let the thoughts die down as his adrenaline only made him more and more excited.

flashing lights could be seen in the background. Dream turned down the music as they got closer. George was right about how we could know which house the party was hosted in. the whole street was quite, except for that house. muffled music played on the inside. the house was fairly big, it had two stories and from what Dream could see it had a large backyard with a pool it seemed like.

Dream parked not too far away from the house. there were multiple people smoking or doing what ever they were doing in the front yard.

immediately when entering the house the stench of sweat, alcohol and weed combined together reeked. bodies were crowded leaving little to no space in between each of them.

"wanna go talk to foolish?" Karl turned to Dream and Sapnap. "he told me he'd be here"

"i mean you guys can go, i'll go take a drink or something" Dream shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

by now Dream was walking over to the living room which had all the alcohol. the room had two 'L' couches faces each other with people occupying every inch of it possible. Dream still managed to squeeze in between a couple people. he didn't know what he was doing or why he was here. he just sat there drinking whatever was in a cup he had found earlier and listened in on peoples conversations.

going to talk with foolish would've probably been more interesting than this.

although Dream kind of looked like the type of person to enjoy partying and going out, au contraire, he kind of wasn't. he did like going out with his friends but parties are just a bunch of cringy teenagers acting well, like teenagers.

the thought of it made Dream want to get up and leave but someone stopped him as he was getting up.

"hi, your friends with Sapnap right?" a short'ish man stepped i front of him.

"yeah, why?" Dream sat back down in confusion as the man also sat next to him.

"i don't know. i just wanted to see if u were Sap's friend" he shrugged.

the boy then continued to mention his name was Quackity. apparently this friend Sapnap had that Dream never knew about was a guy he had met in middle school because he was on the same football team.

Quackity actually seemed like a decent guy for being on the football team. He and Dream got along pretty well and talked about the most random thing such as, minecraft, then switching to the funny stories Quackity had experienced and shit talking about people at their school.

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