chapter 4; lurking

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[small content warning]

staring back at him was the person he had been looking for, George.

he stood, leaning leaning against the fence eyeing dream from a distance as his girlfriend walked back to him. he saw George whisper something to her and then gave her a kiss before he walked towards him.

Dream looked up at George who was now towering over him chewing the gum which was previously in his girlfriend's mouth.

ew gross.

"hi George" Dream awkwardly waved up at him.

"wait, i know you?" George took a step back, furrowing his brows.

"kinda, i'm Dream. you know the guy that you called-" George gasped cutting Dream off.

"yeah! you were that weird guy, friends with Sapnap!" he laughed

"i didn't actually mean that. i was just saying like- you know. you were just kinda uh.." he tried re-wording himself after noticing Dream was taken a back by his answer.

"but anyways, we meet once again" George tapped Dream on the shoulder twice.

his girlfriend was now on her phone, still against the fence waiting for George to come back. George didn't do that though, he took a seat next to dream and started up a conversation.

he mentioned Dream had extremely changed, physically, and that he didn't even think it was him. George really just never stopped talking. to be honest he didn't mind it even if he mostly talked about things Dream wasn't too interested in. it was still nice to hear his voice again.

"Dream? oh there you are!" a familiar voice was heard behind him.

it was Karl and Sapnap holding each other up to prevent themselves from falling to the ground.

"hopefully you're not that drunk cause' Karl and i need a ride" Sapnap sung his words and motioned a steering wheel at the word 'ride'.

George mouthed 'i better go' as he got off the chair.

Dream turned back around to face the drunken boys. "uh- yeah i mean. im good to drive i guess"

"okay, let's go" Karl said in an odd voice.

Dream looked at the time.


he had driven Sapnap and Karl back to their house about an hour ago but he couldn't sleep. He sighed taking his phone off the charger and deleting all his most recent notifications. clicking on instagram, he looked through his most recent followers and saw a name that caught his eye.

georgenotfound just followed you. 20mins ago


clicking on his profile, Dream looked through the boy's posted photos. most of them were full body pictures that showed off the cool places he had been to or some art projects. Dream pressed the 'follow back' button. He continued to look at his highlights and the most recent stories George had posted. basically he was just stalking George in the most non-subtle way.

the first story read "party at Tom's house tonight" "be there :)" the text covered a selfie of Him and the tall blonde guy Dream had seen earlier with their mouths wide open in an extended "o" shape. the other was just a story promoting his most recent instagram post.

After a while of looking at George's instagram, Dream finally set his phone back down to try and get some sleep but as soon as he did, he felt his phone vibrate.

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