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Everything has happened just like the show.


I get to go back to Gravity Falls! I'm so excited and Mable is also excited to be going back. I am a little scared to be going back though. I mean with everything that happend who wouldn't be a little norvous? I still think and recall what happened that day.... I need to finish packing now, but I can't help but to have thoughts about what my friends and family think about what happened.... I mean the last time they saw us was after weirdmageddon. "Dipper! Are you done packing yet?!" Mable yelled. "NO not yet Mable!" I yelled. I walked around my room trying to hurry up and finish packing. I looked over to my desk a walked over to it and picked up a- "DIPPER COME ON IT'S TIME TO LEAVE!" Mable yells at me. I better get going. I walked out of my room and saw an upset and mad looking Mable. "Come on. Let's go!" she said. "Yea. Yea. And Mable, I told you that we woke up early enough that we would need to wait at the bus stop." I told Mable. "Yes, I know Bro-bro but the faster we get on that bus the sooner we get to Gravity Falls!" Mable said happily. "Fine lets just go." I told her.

What will happen next

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