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Hi, I'm back~

Dipper/3rd person

The elevator stops at the bottem, and the doors open. I walk out; looking for Gunkel Ford.  After a while I find Gunkel Ford. "Gunkel Ford! What are you working on?" I asked him. Ford looks up from his desk and said, "Dipper! Come over here, I will show you what I'm working on!" I walk over to where Gunkel Ford was and look at what he was making. "Now Dipper, what do you think I making?" Ford asked him. I studed it a little closer; I think I have an idea on what it could be. "Is that a necklace?" I ask Gunkel Ford; he give a hardy light chuckle before answering. "No Dipper, it's not just a necklace." Ford told him. "Well what is it then?" Dipper asked him. 

 "Well Dipper it's a magic necklace!" Ford told him..... Dipper just stared at him of a moment; just blinking at him. Before he said- "Cool! But...what does it do?" Dipper asked. Ford took a moment to answer Dipper's question; almost as if he didn't know what the answer was. Ford finally said something- "I.......Well.....i don't know..." he said. Dipper looked at him suprised. "You don't know what it does?!?!?!" shouted Dipper. "How do you not know what it does?" Dipper asked Ford. 

Ford looked at Dipper for a while before he said- "It's not mine. I got it from a fariy." He told Dipper.

Hi, so I will try to uplaod a new chapter in a cuple of hours~

Also Sorry for the short chapters~



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