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Hi guys~ How are you today?

3rd person

"Well......if it doesn't do anything can I have it?" Dipper asked Ford. "Well....I guess" Ford told Dipped. "Thanks Gunkel Ford!" Dipper said to him. He picked it up and put it on.

Dipper liked it, he didn't really know why but he did

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Dipper liked it, he didn't really know why but he did. Maybe it reminded him of someone but he just couldn't put a finger on it. "Bye, Gunkel Ford!" Dipper said while walking to the evevator. When the evevator stoped he got out of it. He walk into the living room to see Mable watching 'Ducktective'. He when over to sit down beside of her. "Hi, Dip-dot!" Mable said happily. "Hi, Mable." Dipper said back to her smiling. "What are you doing?" He asked her. Mable look up from her project and smiled the bigest happest smile ever, and said- "I'm making friendship braclets!" Mabel shouted. Mable look at Dipper waiting for a response. Dipper just smiled at her and instinctively said, "Good for you, Mable." Mable was happy with that answer and she what going to say something more but something shiny caught her eye. "Hey, Dipper?" "Yes, Mable?"  "What's that; on you neck?" Mable asked.   "Well......" Dipper said; trying to come up with a good answer.

Sorry, for the short chapters. I make all of this up as I type it. But I'm trying my best~ 



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