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Hey~ I know that you've been waiting on this....


As the bus came to a screeching stop and the door opened; Mable jumps out, like really she jumped out. She ran and jumped on our Gunkels' taking them down with her. At this point I'm scared Mable killed them; because she still hasn't let go yet. As I calmly get off the bus with mine and Mable's stuff, she (Mable) gets off Gunkel Stan and Gunkel Ford. I walk over to the bus stop and put our stuff down. I walk over to the 2 old men and gave the a big bear hug.

I'm laying down on my bed now; Mable is gone with her friends, and I'm looking at my phone. But I'm bored so I get out of bed and walk down the old, old step that make a little creek sound when you step on them. When I get to the end I walk into the kitchen and then into the living room; I see Gunkel Stan watching the tv. "Hey Gunkel Stan, do you know where Ford is at?" He asked him. "I think he's in the basement, Kid." I told me. "Thanks!" and then I start to head to the vending machine. When I get there I look to make sure no one is here even tho the shop is closed, and I put in the code - A,B,1,C,3. (I looked it up, sorry if it's not right) It opened and I walk inside the elevator....

Sorry It not long-

I make the story plot up on the spot-

....But I do try to make it all add up to the story!

Tell me what you think should happen!

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