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Hello again!! Sorry that it has been a while... I did just want to let you know that this chapter jumps from point of view to point of view. I tried my best to connect all of them. I'm also sorry for any and all spelling/grammar errors. Enjoy!!

When I wake up, the whole world is blurry. I try to blink it away, but that dosen't help. My head hurts, everything hurts... I feel like I'm dying!!! It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts... it HURTS!!

Dipper is falling in and out of unconsciousness, but just as he is about to go to sleep, he hears something, someone... " I knew that we would meet again, Pinetree~ But you're different now~" Dipper falls asleep to those words.

(Time skip...sorry)

What did that voice mean....did I meet this person before? So many thoughts entered Dippers' mind as he woke up. Dipper had already tried to open his eyes before but it was almost as if they were gluded stuck. Ideas flew though Dippers' mind as he awoke but no movment was made. Dipper laid on the ground for a while with his mind racing, finally he could slowly blink the sleepynees away. Dipper slowly moved to lean up against a old log. Dipper sat there quietly for a while just trying to remember what happened. He felt weird, almost as if he changed bodies with someone. It was odd, no words could descride this feeling that he had. Dipper was lost...

Why...What...how? I don't understand... Dipper looked around more and even turned his head to look around now that his headache had subsided. "I should probably go back to the Mystery shack before Mable gets worried..." Dipper stated as he looked at the brightly colored sky. Dipper slowly got up not wanting his headache to come back or injure himself anymore. Dipper stood there for a second just trying to get his balance... something felt off. He wasn't himself anymore...

" I feel weird.." Dipper started to look for an injury, but he couldn't see or even feel any. " I'll just have to wait until I get back to the Mystery shack and do a closer inspection there." Dipper said to no one. He slowly took off down the path back home. Dipper slowly started to speed up as the sky got darker and darker... " No! Mable and Gunkle Stan are going to be so mad at me if I don't make it back before dark." Now in a jog a frantic Dipper runs home. "Yes!" Dipper shouts as the Mystery shack slowly comes into frame. Slowing down as Dipper finally makes it, he walks up the steps onto the porch. As soon as Dipper walks though the door a very frantic Mable is throw onto him. " Where have you been!! I was so worried Dip-dot!!" Mable says. Gunkle Ford and Gunkle Stan look at Dipper for and answer. "Well....well I sorta...lost track of time!" Dipper squeeks out. Gunkel Ford is the first to talk, " Just don't do that again Dipper, you had us worried sick." Maple and Stan both shake there head agreeing with Ford. Dipper gumly nods "I know, I'm sorry. I promise I won't do this again." "Foods on the table waiting for ya' kid." Stan says pointing at the table with a plate left for Dipper. Dipper smiles and walks over to the table, "Thanks Gunkel Stan!" "Don't mention it kid." Stans lets out a small grin and laugh. Ford looks over at the clock, "Mable you should go to bed it's getting kinda late, Stan and I will be heading off aswell." Ford turns to Dipper. "After you get done eating you should go to you room too." Mable sighed but turn around and started walking to her room. "Goodnight!" The twins have separate rooms now that the are both 15. There parents haven't let them come back after they told them what happened. The parents were worried about there childrens' mental health, like who could make up that strange of a story if there wasn't something wrong up there. Mable got Fords old room as he mostly falls asleep in the basement anyway and Dipper got to keep the original room upstairs. Dipper nods at Fords statment. Everyone leaves to there respective spaces, leaving Dipper alone in the kitchen. Dipper finished eating and washed his plate. He truned off the light and walked to his room. Dipper felt as if he knew every creak and clomp that the floorboards made as he walked on them. On the stairs the only used that ones that didn't creak or clomp. Dipper opened the door and saw his packed bag. He forgot to unpack it before he left. Dipper walked over to his bag and picked it up, putting it on the bad he opened it and picked up some pjs. "I will look myself over once more, just to make sure I'm 100% okay." Dipper said to his pillow. He still had a werid feeling about what happened in the forest. Dipper walked out of his room and down the hall to the upstairs bathroom. The upstairs layout had only 3 doors: Dipper's room, the bathroom, and the laundry room. Dipper turned on the light and shut the door. Dipper looked over himself one last time before he decided to change into his pjs. As soon as he took off his shirt he noticed something that was not meant to be there. He quickly got dressed and sat down on the toilet. "What....How could this....but....I'm a boy!" Dipper tried to wrap his mind around this but he couldn't. He needed some help. He was so glad that he grapped his baggy pjs. He quietly opened the bathroom door and went down stairs, avoiding the creaky steps. Mable will help me. I know she's still up, she always stays up late. Dipper walked down the hallway and stoped at Mable's door. He quietly knocked on her door before he opened it. Mable was sitting on her bed looking at a fashion magazine. Dipper shut the door and walked over to Mable. Mable looked up, "What's up Dip-dot?" "Well....something happened and I need your help." Dipper said quietly. Mable looked worried. "What's worng?" Dipper mumbles something under his breath. "What was that I didn't hear it?" Mable asked. "I got turned into a girl." Dipper said again this time a little louder. "WHAT!?!?!?" Mable 'calmly' asked.

This is the end of this chapter! This is the longest one so far and I hope that you guys liked it. Feel free to comment and say your favorite things about this chapter, just so I know what you guys like! So much love, Die <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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