Gossip time

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Y/N's POV:

It's finally time to eat!!!

I go downstairs to my locker to get my lunch box and then I get back upstairs.

I've been thinking about him the whole time I was in class. It's really ridiculous, but at least I get my work done so I don't see a major problem.

I get to the table where he usually stands next to when I see him and I sit down at my regular seat and take lunch out while I wait for my friends to arrive.

He probably sat here before. I'm technically sitting on his lap right now. That would be amazing!!! He would wrap his arms around me, maybe even play with my hair or even hold my hands...

Jovianne finally shows up and stops me from my dream, so we talk together until Méganne and Élise eventually get to the table and then we start talking shit behind people's backs, because we always do.

But when we do, it always gets a bit loud soooo... we give people fake names.

We give them more specifically to our crushes, but also to people we just don't like.

When I says crushes, I do also mean him. Except that for him...it's different.

We kinda have to give him a fake name, because he's older than us, so he isn't in our grade, so we don't know his name.

11:45 am

We're done eating and we go put our stuff back in our lockers to go on our second daily walk of the day until it's time to get back to get our stuff.

12:10 pm

It's time to get our stuff.

We go downstairs to our lockers and we grab our books for our next classes and the we get back upstairs to get to our classes.

305 words

A/N: Heyyyy guyssss!!! I hope you're all doing well, here is chapter 2 and just like I mentioned last time, this chapter is shorter than the chapters I'll write for the rest of the story. I promise, after the next two chapters, I'm gonna try my best to write longer and better chapters that I hope you'll enjoy. I'll try my best to update this story each weekend.

Thank you again so much for reading and I wish you a great day, evening or night<3

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