Nice To Meet You

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Y/N's POV:

Today, I have another reason to wake up.
Today, I get to go with my friends and
some other kids to a theatre my favourite teacher has been planning to go to. We're gonna stay up super late and I just know it's gonna be really fun. I am so excited. Also today is a special day at school, because we
get to dress up however we want.

But first, I have to get through today's
school day without dying, which is a
lot of effort but it's worth it.

Talking about school, I have to get to
class but I'll come back later...

4:30 pm

Classes are finally over and I get to
stay at school. I stayed with Méganne,
because my other friends who will be coming with us, Shelbie, Rebecca and Élise, went back home.

We are going to this fast food place that's
close to our school that she wanted to
try out and I have also never been there before so I agreed.

Time skip

The food was really great and my mom came
to the fast food place to get my stuff
so I don't have to carry my bags around anymore because we are not coming back into the school after the activity.

Méganne didn't order any drinks for herself
so they were really thirsty. We are
walking around to find a good place to get a good drink and we stop at some shop. We walk in the shop a bit until we realize we won't be able to find what we want so we get out. We walk a bit more and we find some type
of Asian fast food place some kids at
my school would go to at diner and apparently the drinks there are really good. Especially the bubble teas. So we get in to buy some.

Time skip

I don't usually like bubble teas too much
but this place was really good at making
them. Méganne and I got two different flavours and I of course like mine better but hers was good too.

We are a bit tired of walking around so
we go to the park next to our school
to sit on a bench to finish our bubble teas.

Time skip

Our teacher told us to get to the cafeteria
at 7 pm to be sure everyone is ready
to leave and it's getting closer to 7 so we walk back to our school.

Once we get there, we go straight to the
cafeteria and we say "hi" to our teacher
as more children get here.

Élise gets there then Shelbie gets here
too. She wants some snacks, because she
didn't eat so we run quickly to the gas station and I almost break my foot but that's just a detail. We get back safely and Rebecca eventually gets here too.

While we are waiting we take some pictures
to be sure to capture these memories.
I just know I'll love looking at these.

7:00 pm

It's finally time to go out front to get
on the bus!!! I'm so excited!!!

We're out and we are waiting for the bus
to get parked and to open its door. We
get into a line and we give our names to the teacher taking attendance at the front of the bus. I sit down near my friends and I end up sitting next to a random guy but it's okay because I'm near the alley so I get to
talk to my friends.

My heart is actually beating so fast,
I'm so happy!

Everyone else is excited and it's getting
loud but we still manage to not speak
too loudly. Once the bus starts rolling our teacher gets up and stands in the middle of the alley for everyone to hear her.

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