Hidden Information

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Y/N's POV:

It has been a couple of months since C/N told me about his crush on Méganne and it never actually "came back to normal". C/N has been getting closer to Méganne, or at least he has tried to, because Méganne and I kept going with our plan. They kept insinuating that they are not interested in C/N and she kept bringing me up as we planned. We tried and we tried for months, but C/N was clueless and he liked Méganne more and more by the second.

This morning Méganne took the same bus that I take and we talked about the situation:

-What is wrong with him? Méganne asks with anger. I mean why isn't he getting the sign that I don't like him  and that I am not the one?

-Bestie, if I knew, we wouldn't be here asking this question in the first place.

-What are we gonna do?

-Honestly, I wish I had thought of a planB, but I really thought plan A was going to work, I sigh as I lay back in my seat desperately trying to find a solution.

Suddenly, I get a text. I look down at my phone and I see that it's a notification from C/N.

-Well, speaking of the devil, I say to catch Méganne's attention on my phone.

-Ugh, what does he want?

I open the notification to see this:


Today is a big day

What do you mean
What happens today

Today is the day I'm gonna ask out Méganne



When else?

I mean what's the impulse?

Well I realized I only live once
So I better ask them while I have the time to

That's great
You are so brave for that
But are you sure they're gonna say yes?

No but it's better to try than to live with a regret


Anyways, I have to go
Wish me luck!

Good luck

AT GETTING REJECTED. I'm so mad at him! How is he so clueless?

-Oh my god! This is bad! Méganne exclaims.

-I know...but it could be useful, I say, thinking of an idea.


-When he'll ask you out he'll get rejected and he's finally gonna understand that you're not the one. While you comfort him you could say something along the lines of "There are plenty of great girls out there, like Y/N, who'd be perfect for you!", I state, hoping I don't sound ridiculous.

-That's actually pretty smart Y/N! THIS will finally let him know!

We talk about how they are gonna lure it in while she'll comfort C/N and we finally get to school. Now the first step is to wait for  C/N to ask them out. They will kindly tell him that they are not interested and they will comfort him while subtlety bring me up into their emotional talk.

We finally get to school and we get off the bus while planning how Méganne will incorporate me into the conversation. When we finally get in the school we spot C/N waiting for us at the entrance.

-Hey! Umm, Méganne, can I talk to you for a minute? It's kinda important, asks the nervous boy as he puts his hand behind his neck.

(Do y'all know what im talking about?💀)

-Oh, sure, Méganne replies as she gives me a quick glance that screams oh my god.

I take my leave and pray that our plan will work this time. When I'm finally done Meg arrives at the lockers alone so I follow them to their locker.

-So, how did it go? Do you think he understood?

-Umm yeah. It's was fine.

-Are you sure? Your tone doesn't sound fine.

-What? What tone?

-A tone that tells me that you're lying.

-I don't know what you are talking about. There was no tone.

-Even the word you used was weird. "Fine" never actually means fine.

-Well, I actually mean it this time.

-Méganne, I know you are lying. What are you hiding from me? What happened?


A loud moment of silence accrues in the whole locker room.

What is she hiding from me and why are they so possessive about it?

Suddenly, I hear a sigh coming from Méganne.

-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you and you are right I am hiding something from you, but really can't tell you. Believe me it's for your safety. And our plan will not work. I can't tell you why though.

Time skip to lunch time

It's finally time to eat and I am planning on talking with C/N about what happened this morning. I know Méganne is keeping whatever secret they are keeping for my safety, but I'm too curious. So maybe I'll get that information out of C/N.

I get my lunch box and I get to C/N's locker.

-Hey C/N!

-Hey, he answered in a more subtle tone.

-I heard what happened. How are you doing?

-Not well...hey did Méganne tell you everything?

-Well they were hiding something from me and I kinda hoped to get that missing information from you.

-I really can't tell you Y/N. It's not my information to deliver.

-Oh come on C/N. Just a little hint maybe?

-I really can't tell you anything.

-Just tell me who's secret it is since it's not "your information to deliver".

-I'm sorry Y/N, but I don't know if I can answer you.

-Ugh, you guys are killing me.

-Anyways, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll meet you at the table, C/N states walking away while I stay there upset.


I just really want to know what is happening. Why is it so bad? I mean nobody can give me any hints. I just hope that certain someone will confess their secret to me soon, because I'm not scared to start snooping.

1005 words

A/N: Heyyy y'all!!! This one is a quick one to be sure I don't loose y'all's attention. This better keep y'all entertained bruh. And honestly I didn't need a whole chapter for this so that's why it's so quick. Anyways I hope y'all like this simple one. Good day, evening or night!!!

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