A/N pt2

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Heyyyy yall!!! I hope y'all are doing well because I know I am.

I know that I haven't been posting every weekend and that I'm really late but I think I'm gonna post my chapters when I'm ready. Since the chapters are gonna be longer I want them to be interesting and well written. That's why it takes more time for me to write.

By doing this I won't have to feel forced to write a chapter and I won't have to feel the pressure over my shoulders. Like that I'll have more time to write chapters when I feel like it and when I'm having good inspiration. It'll be easier on me and the chapters are really gonna look better.

Im sorry, ik this is taking a lot of time but I'll try my best to be at least a little consistent and not just leave this story to rot. I'll keep updating of course because I have so many ideas for this and I just KNOW you guys are not ready. Im also having a lot of fun with this book, because I make day dreams about him and it helps me write breath taking moments in this story.

Anyways, I'll keep you guys updated and I promise I'll try my best not to make you guys wait to long.

Goodbye, I hope you have a great day, evening or night.

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