Make Yourself At Home

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Y/N's POV:

It has been 2 months since the day we met. I still haven't told him my feelings but we're best friends now. And best friends have fun even over the weekend so I invited him to a park, at a walking distance from my house, that has 2 ice cream stores next to it. And we are going today!

I wake up earlier than usual because I sleep until 11 on weekends. I want to make sure I look good and I have everything. Also I need to eat because I can not walk with an empty stomach and ice creams are not gonna feed me.

12:48 pm

I'm finally all clean with my outfit and make up on and my stomach is full. I just have to pack my bag but honestly I only need to bring 3 things. My phone, my money and some tissues 'cause you never know when you'd need one.

12:57 pm

I'm scrolling on TikTok and I hear a ringing. I sprint to get the door and once I open it, I see who I expected to see...

-C/N!!! I scream to the boy standing right in front of me.

-Hello Y/N, are you excited to see me? He says teasingly in response to my reaction.

-I was excited to have fun. Don't flatter yourself, pretty boy, I tell him so he doesn't get any ideas, I have to get my bag, wait here.

I run to my room to get my bag and I yell "goodbye" as I leave the house.

-Are you ready now? C/N asks, looking down at me.

-Yup! Let's go!

We walk to the park and we talk the whole way there. Once we get to the park, a question pops up in my head.

-Do you want to go get some ice cream or should we get some later?

-Did you not eat any food at home?

-I did but I haven't had any desert and I always have space for ice cream.

-I don't know, I'm not really starving for ice cream right now, maybe we should go a bit later.

-Fine by me. Have you ever been here before?

-No actually, never.

-Then I'll give you a tour. Come on let's go, we have a lot to see, I say grabbing his hand and running toward the entrance.

After the tour

I gave him a tour and we are now playing in one of the modules even though we are definitely too big for them.

-Let's try this one, C/N says, pointing at a chair that spins around.

-Okay! Who gets in?

-You go in, he says, insisting that I get in the chair.

I'm kinda scared by his mischievous look, but I'll get in because I know how stubborn he is.

-Okay, but please don't make me throw up, I insist as I get in the seat.

-Don't worry I'll be careful, he reassures me as he gets closer to the seat and bends down to hold the seat.

Now that would have been fine if he was behind me, but he was right in front of me. As in, he is looking into my eyes right now.

I feel my face get red from how close he was standing.

-Are you ready? He asks, breaking the silence.

-I'm not sure.

-That's great, let's go!

He spins me around really fast.

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