Chapter 1~Evil Gramps and headaches

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This AN is just to say I hate the stupid new update for writing. Whenever I save but not publish it makes me redo a lot. I have had to write something so many times that I gave up. Harry's POV was longer but I'm too lazy to fix what wattpad deleted. sorry if its short.... blame Wattpad.


Voldemort had a grandson... and I had to go meet him. What the bloody hell!


I was in my cabin with wise girl when my Mom IM'ed me. She was in my room and I could see that my door was locked. In the living room I heard voices and a knock at the door.

"One second! Just calling Percy." Mom yelled. She looked at me. "Percy get home please. Some people are here to see you. Hello Annabeth. I am gonna steal Percy for a bit." Annabeth nodded with me.

"I will see you soon." I swiped my hand though the mist and kissed Annabeth. "See you when I get back."

"Ok see you later. I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." I walked out of the cabin and went to find Chiron. I walked past Satyrs and Nymphs chasing each other. A new camper was flying a Pegasus. I first checked the Big House. I saw Dionysus talking to Pollux but no Chiron. Next I checked the Archery range. Sure enough he was there.

"Chiron! Im going to be at my moms so don't, like, worry!" I yelled to him.

"OK Percy." I went to find Nico. He was in his cabin.

"Can you shadow travel me to my moms front door" I ask.

"why the front door?"

"She probably wants me to look as normal as possible, and I want it to look ke I drove to her house." Nico smiled a bit.

"Ok." He grabbed me and seconds later we were in the shadows. It was still awesome. Before I knew it, we were at my moms. Nico wasn't there seconds before I knocked.

"Percy! Youre here!"

"Hey mom." I hugged her. I saw a boy sitting on our couch that kind of looked like me but he had a lightning scar and glasses. A really old guy was sitting next to him. When I say old I mean OLD! He looks like he is 150 something.

''Hello Perseus. I am Dumbledore." The old guy said. Small, glasses me mumbled something like shouldn't he know that? I laughed.

"And you?" I ask. He looks at me as if I killed his family.

"You should know. Your grandpa killed my parents!" Whoa. Kronos killed his parents? or did-no my moms dad was nice from what I heard.

"That's Harry Potter. His parents were killed by your mothers dad, Voldemort." He went on explaining it all.

"So should I go like pack?" Dumbledore nodded. My mom went with me.

"So I have another evil grandpa. great." I said to my mom in my room. I grabbed the trunk my mom gave me. I put some clothes and a bunch of photos. I also grabbed some drachmas and my monster proof phone. I need to call Annabeth.

"Percy, he is coming back like Kronos. I know it will be after Christmas so when you come back, go become invincible. I don't want you to get hurt." I laughed

"Mom do you know how much the River Styx hurts? It is painful. I will anyway." I smiled and gave her a hug. "I will be safe mom. don't worry."

"Now do you have everything?"


"I don't see a toothbrush."

"oh ya one sec." I went into the bathroom and grabbed a comb and toothbrush. I poked my head out the door.

"Hey Dumbledore? Does Hogwarts supply toothpaste or should I pack some?"

"We supply it."

"ok thanks." I grabbed anything else I thought I needed and walked out.

"Ok I am ready for another boarding school. Only this time its in Scotland..."

"NOW" I heard Harry yell before I felt a sharp pain and everything went black. I muttered a few more words before I fell into unconsciousness.

"see you later mom..."

Everything went black.

Voldemorts GrandsonWhere stories live. Discover now