Chapter 2-Interogation and Weird Cravings

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I want to just say, most the people who died in Deathly Hallows or any one of the years are ALIVE! That means Sirius and Fred and others. Well only good guys. NOBODY DIED! NOT MAD EYE, NOT SIRIUS, NOT LUPIN (am I correct about that?) NO ONE!


After an hour, Voldemort's Grandson woke up. He has black hair and sea green eyes. He was tan and muscular. He didn't seem evil but I knew better. Even the most innocent looking could be evil.

"Morning Death Eater." I said, wand under his chin.

"Harry," Dumbledore warned. I backed up.

"Where am I? Where is Annabeth? Where is my mom. Where is Annabeth!? Tell me where Annabeth is!" He started getting up. I put my wand to his neck and he grabbed a pen.

"What is a pen going to do?" I asked, holding back laughter.

"What is a stick going to do?" He asked, threatening me. I backed off and he put the pen away.

"Let me call Annabeth, NOW!" His eyes were like a hurricane. He looked at us, then around the room and spotted his trunk. He ran to it and grabbed a muggle phone. He looked at it then dialed.

"Annabeth?" He asked. "Oh thank gods. I was kidnapped, again. Are you ok?" He was kidnapped before? Probably Voldemort. "I miss you already. I promise I will IM you as soon as possible." The girl talks. "I love you too. I will see you sometime." He hung up. He seemed softer than earlier.

"What do you want from me? I was willing to go with you!" He thundered. Sirius looked at me then VG(Voldemort's Grandson) and pointed, "All Harry's idea from what I heard."

"Really? Kidnap a willing hostage? That's dumb." He was being humorous. Evil people shouldn't be humorous. He is acting. (A/N And you are paranoid) I looked at him.

"You could have been tricking us. I couldn't take any chances."

"Not a smart move. I want to know, what do you want?"

''We wanted to get you before Voldemort.'' Dumbledore said.

"My nasty grandpa wanted me?"

"Yes weren't you listening?" asked Dumbledore.

"I was at first but my ADHD made me, you know, stop." Dumbledore nodded. Sirius looked at VG's phone.

"Keep that from Arthur Weasley. He loves anything and everything muggle." VG chuckled.

"I don't use it much, only for emergencies. It will be in my trunk most of the time."

"Calling that girl wasn't an emergency." I said.

"Yes it was. More of an emergency then talking to my mom." Just then we heard Mrs. Weasley yell about breakfast.

"Come on death eater!" I yelled as he would not leave.

"Seriously kid? What is a death eater?"

"Did you not listen at all? Its your granddaddies followers!" He smirked

"oh ya." Evil bastard. This is NOT funny enough to smirk at.

"This is not funny! If I find out you are working for your grandpa, I swear I will kill you."

"I wouldn't blame you. I would do the same thing if someone turned out to be putting my friends in danger." He smiled. "Its my fatal flaw."

"How do you know what your fatal flaw is?"

"Actually I didn't figure it out myself, Annabeth did. She told me my flaw was personal loyalty then told me what it meant. It means that I would risk the world for a friend." Now I know he is a death eater.


"Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes so what?"

"If Voldemort had your trust, you would sacrifice it all for him, wouldn't you?"

"Yes but I haven't even met Voldemort!"

"Take one step out of line Jackson, and I swear-" I was cut off.

"Harry! Breakfast!" Mrs. Weasley yelled again.

"c'mon." We walked downstairs. I smelled pancakes, bacon and pumpkin juice. I sat down and saw that Ron had already dug in. I started eating. Jackson stayed standing where he was.

"Sit down." Mrs. Weasley said. He looked at the table.

"Are you sure? I am positive everyone around this table already hates me."

"I am sure. Now sit and dig in." He looked at the pancakes.

"This may sound crazy, but can they be blue? It will remind me of home." Mrs. Weasley nodded and waved her wand. Once he saw the blueness of them he ate furiously.

"Thank you ma'am."He said, trying to be as polite as possible.

"It was no trouble." She smiled. She just had to be motherly...

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