Chapter 3-Diagon Alley, Awesome Barriers and Insane Secrets

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Sorry for the wait, school. I am sick at home so I will update. Percy is going to be Ginny's age-he WILL stay with Annabeth and Ginny will stay with Harry but Ginny and him are going to be friends, OK!


Percy seemed ok but, as Harry complains, he is a little risky to harbor.

The kids who are going to have a seventh year again, but Voldemort seems against that possibility, need to go to Diagon Alley and I will escort them. Arthur says it should be fine for me to escort them to since I was proven innocent after the end of Voldemort but I might get a few dirty looks or maybe be avoided. Also, we need to escort Harry, Percy, Ron and Hermione because they are wanted by Voldemort. Ginny will just tag along.

"Everyone ready to go?" Molly asks.

"Yes we are ready!" Ron complains.

"Where is Percy?" I ask.

"Are you actually gonna take him?" Harry asks.

"He needs his stuff too-don't give me that look Harry- PERCY!" I bark. "Get down here!"

"Why do we have to bring him? Can't we just leave him to do it himself?" Ron pleads. Molly smacks his arm.

"He is just as wanted as you! Voldemort wants him, you, Harry, and Hermione! Be nice!" Percy walks down the stairs.

"Are you sure you need to bring me? Those four hate me." He points at the Trio.

"I don't hate you!" Hermione yells. "as much..." she mumbled after.

"I heard that!"

"I don't know you enough to hate you." Ginny says.

"You hate me, I can tell."

"Just come on Jackson! Your wanted too!" Harry yelled.

"How are we getting there?" He asks us.

"The floo." I tell him.

"The WHAT?" He laughs. "What type of name is the FLOO!" I chuckle.

"Its a funny name, yes." I say. "We still need to go. Harry you first, then Ron, then Hermione, then you Ginny, then Percy-watch him-" I say out the corner of my mouth, "Then I will meet you."

Harry takes some and says 'DIAGON ALLEY' and disappears. They all do up until Percy.


"Will it burn?"

"Ha, how thick are you? It doesn't burn now go."

"How thick-what?

"GO!" He goes.

"DIAGON ALLEY!" and he is gone. I step towards the fire, grab some floo, and I am gone. I show up at Diagon Alley. Percy has quiet a few scratches and is covered in soot.

"That wasn't all sunshine and rainbows." He mutters. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What did you expect?"

"Something more, pleasant, maybe?" He laughs a bit.

"Where should we go first?" Harry asks me.

"Probably Madam Malkins for your robes." He nods. We start walking to the shop. Once inside I just stand there while they get to do something, no fair. I wait around for some bit till the lot is ready.

"Lets go to Flourish and Blotts." I mutter. We start walking but pass by Ollivanders.

"How about while we go get books, you get your wand. Here is some Galleons and Sickles. Um, Ginny, you have good eyes, stay with Percy while he gets his wand."

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