Chapter 8. The way home

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The scene unfolded in front of Amelia. Couldn't sleep, she wrapped herself in a blanket and walked out to her balcony. There, she saw Luc down in the backyard and was happy that he hadn't left yet. Maybe she could steal a moment with him, but what she saw next put a deep frown on Amelia's beautiful face.

Why would he be so interested in that miserable-looking girl? What was his intention with her?

Amelia bit her lower lip and squeezed the rail so hard that a piece of sharp metal cut into her soft skin. Barely registering the pain, she just stared at her palm. Her heart was beating out of her chest. Realization and envy came like tide waves and drowned her.

Amelia always knew Luc was a patron, and he had the means, so he would shop around, still, it hurt to see it happen. With every year passed, the belief that she was the special one got a little stronger, and he had never given her a reason to believe otherwise. Until now. Luc had found something new. Amelia knew his attention would be diverted, and soon, none would be left for her.

Their time would finally come to an end.

Amelia squeezed her hurt hand until the blood soaked through the silk handkerchief. The droplets bloomed like pheasant's eyes on the ground.

The trip back home was quiet. Luc knew he had paid too much. Bessie was happy out of her mind when he gave her the cheque, but it was not the thing that upset him.

Luc didn't know what possessed him to make the purchase of this young human and what he would do next with her.

She looked like a child. A very malnourished and battered child. It was impulsive of him and even though his impulsiveness had won countless times, Luc still felt a little uneasy.

The girl stared at him the whole way like the cunning creature she was, who couldn't wait to stab him in his sleep. Too bad that he never slept. Luc stared back, not sure why he should feel anything because of her.

"Do you have a name?... Alright, how about 'Mouse'? That suits how you look."

Luc laughed at his own observation. His eyes were kept on the girl. He expected her to react, but to his disappointment, she didn't move a finger.

All Aida did was glare. This pale demon knew her language, and that only meant one thing: He was one of those who had trampled all over her motherland and stolen what didn't belong to him. If defying him and making his life a little harder in every way possible was the last thing she could do, Aida would gladly do so.

She licked the blood on her cracked lower lip. Her stomach growled and she felt nauseous. This luxurious carriage was nothing like Baba's cow wagon. The movements in a closed chamber made her sick. One side of her body felt tingling. Aida shut her eyes and folded her body forward.

"Don't vomit here! If you want, we can stop the coach!"

Freaking demon was scared of getting his things dirty. Aida laughed inwardly, maybe she just had to do that, puking all over his fine coat and shoes. The urge, in fact, was getting so strong that Aida's face turned green. She dug her nails into her legs as a reflex.

Luc frowned at what he saw and leaned over to capture both of her wrists in his hand.

"Lie down. It would make you feel better."

He didn't really want to stop the coach in case the girl tried to run. He was not in the mood for a chase. His clothes were damp and he wanted more alcohol. A new day would start soon. He didn't have time or energy for any of the shenanigans.

He leaned forward and pressed his other hand on the girl's shoulder. She yelled and jumped at his touch before thrashing around like a wild beast, trying to bite his hand.

Luc knew it was so easy to make her silent.

Choke her. Throw her around. Break a bone or two. It would be fun.

Luc clenched his teeth and let the thought slowly pass until there was no trace left of it in his mind. The coach's back-and-forth motion calmed his nerves. 

It had happened too many times in the past. Things would get ugly whenever he gave in.

Maybe not today.

Luc slowly exhaled while letting go of the girl. She looked startled for a moment before jumping on the opposite seat, far away from him, and curling up as tightly as she could in the corner. Luc watched the terrified, dirty creature in front of him and suppressed a sigh. 

It was not like he didn't have enough on his plate already.

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