Chapter 11: Team 7

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The journey back was exhausting and painful, but mostly exhausting. Kabuto wasn't really in high spirits today. For starters he got utterly humiliated by the Uchiha twins, the fact that were genins made it more humiliating, then it turns one of them was the Nine tails brat and that fact he was able to call out its power, but him in more unease as he could pose a capable threat to his master. The worst part was he lost the scroll therefore he failed his mission. He knew he was going to get more than an earful from his master. He hoped bringing the former chunin here would help him stay on good graces.

"I have returned Orochimaru-sama" he bowed courteously at the snake sage, his malicious gaze never faltering as he smirked in anticipation.

"Kabuto how did the mission were you able to retrieve the scroll?"

"That is what I wanted to talk about, I failed in returning the scroll my apologies master."

"Explain to me Kabuto, give one good reason why I shouldn't kill you now because it does sound tempting. Care to explain why came back empty handed?" Orochimaru unleashed his killing intent as the mere pressure sent Kabuto and Mizuki kneeling down by the suffocating power.

"I was able to slip by the anbu guard, but as we were making our escape two genins witness my escape. It was the two Uchiha brats I heard about. Apparently one of them contains the power of the Kyuubi as he I was nearly killed by his onslaught of attacks. I was only able to barely make my escape, but there's at least one good news that the Kyuubi already awakened his Sharingan" Kabuto explains making the snake grin wider.

"So two Uchiha brats eh... kukuku could it be Itachi's younger brothers I heard so much about, if that's the case perhaps I could use that to my advantage. Consider yourself lucky that I won't kill you Kabuto-kun this is quite the unexpected turn of events" Orochimaru laughed wickedly.

"I have returned as you requested Orochimaru-sama I am eternally grateful for your generosity. I promise I'll serve you as long as live" Mizuki kneeled down.

"Good job Mizuki-kun you will remain here until further notice."

"B-But m-my l-lord what about the power you promised" Mizuki pleaded. Orochimaru grinned wickedly as a snake wrapped around his neck choking him. "Be patient my child you will get my power in due time, but you have to prove me of your loyalty and then you will be worthy of my power" he let go of the former chunin's neck as he coughed for air.

"Let's get back to work Kabuto-kun we going to embark on a mission on Sunagakure kukuku their jinchuriki will be certainly useful in my plan to destroy the old man and his village" Orochimaru laughs as they went into a dark alleyway.

The Next Day

"uhh... my head what just happened" wakes up Naruto as he felt a stinging pain in his head as he grabbed his pain in an attempt to numb the throbbing pain. After blinking a few times his vision came back as he looked at the figure Sandaime, Obito, and his mother.

"Mom? Obito-nii and Jiji what are you all doing here and why am I in bed? All I remember was Sasuke was de-" Naruto jolted as yesterday's event played in his mind. "S-SASUKE WHERE IS HE!" Naruto frantically called to see Sasuke beginning to wake up.

"Do you have to be so loud Naruto I was having a good sleep" Sasuke rubbed his eyes as he tried to get his surroundings."

"Thank goodness you two are alive any moment later and you two would be dead for sure" Sandaime began to speak.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you I'm such a terrible mother" Mikoto apologized.


"Even though you fought a difficult battle with the intruder, the fact you survived and prevented the scroll from being stolen shows that you two are more than capable of keeping your headbands. We are grateful for what you two have done."

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