chapter 4

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Lyra POV

First day of school! What do I wear? Oh cold air, Brrr. The waft of French toast brings me down the stairs in to the kitchen, hey I can now smell, I’m good at this, Gabriel said it would be weeks before I would get my senses back, we don’t really use them as much in heaven, we don’t fight either so we don’t feel emotions except love but everyone feels love don’t they? Hey I must ask Michael in a mo.

“Morning” I mumble as I sit down and get served French toast. Swirls of flavour fill my awaiting mouth, syrup and sugar bursts and I gasp

“Gavreel, Michael, what’s happening to me? I never get this much flavour from food when I eat, I can also smell and another thing, why am I feeling cold?” I jabber

“Well, it seems you are adapting to earth a lot faster than we intended so we were going to tell you when we thought you would start getting emotions and senses but as you can see it’s a bit late now” explained my 2nd oldest brother

“Oh” I think for a second and remember something else I wanted to ask “can everyone feel love or is it just humans and us, I mean the only emotion I can feel is love but can’t everyone feel that?”

“Lyra” starts Michael this time “Everyone feels love, but whether or not they chose to ignore it or act upon it is their choice, now I’m pretty sure Gabriel taught all this to you so please stop asking!” Michael says trying not to raise his voice

“Sorry” I bow my head and start to eat once more, that tingling sensation filling my mouth once more. Maybe I should just enjoy these odd senses and be quiet, actually I do remember now having a similar convocation with Gabriel and I asked if Michael can feel love and Gabriel got all tense and told me off, what does that mean, Michael said everyone feels love.

Hope you enjoyed it

T xx

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