Surprise Visit

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It's been a few weeks since I had last seen Makoto, with both of us being incredibly busy we just haven't had the time to see each other. I arrived at his house and sauntered up to the door, I rang the doorbell and a woman opened it.
"Hello, Who are you?" She asked
"Where's Makoto?" I mumbled and everything went black

The doorbell rang
"Oh I wonder who that could be" my mom said and went to open the door, I heard my name and walked over in time to see Kusuke faint.
"Kusuke!" I yelled and pushed my mom aside to catch him
"Sorry sorry, I couldn't let him fall" I said and carried him into the house what's he even doing here!? I set him on the couch
"Who was it?"
"I heard Makoto say someone's name" Kokomi said and walked in, she gasped "I know him!"
"Yeah I do too" I said and moved his hair to feel for a fever "his name is Kusuke Saiki, I met him at a Gala"
"That's it, he's Saikis brother"
"Not the time for that" I said "dumbass" I muttered "he's really warm, he probably has a fever" I said
"There's a really nice car outside that isn't ours" my dad said
"He drove here? You idiot" I said "I don't even know how you managed to get here without passing out" Kokomi brought a rag over
"Here this should help with his fever"
"Thanks" I said and placed it on his forehead "shit, Koko do you know four eyes number?"
"No? No one does, I don't even think he has a phone"
"Okay" I said
"This is the first time I've seen you so freaked out"
"I haven't seen him in a few weeks because of filming, I have no idea what happened"
"Okay why don't we continue eating and wait till he wakes up" my mom said "c'mon Makoto"
"No I'm staying here" I said and grabbed a blanket, gently placing it over him.
"Okay" my mom said and they went back into the kitchen to eat

"What happened to you Kusuke?" I asked holding his hand "why didn't you call me first?" I asked and leaned my head on the couch, I gently kissed his hand. I noticed he was wearing a lab coat, sewn onto the pocket was simple information. Kusuke Saiki PhD. Inventor he's an inventor and he has a PhD? Wow I had no clue I thought.

Hours went by but he still didn't wake, I moved him into my room and changed him into one of my shirts and a pair of sweatpants. I tucked him into my bed and sat next to him on my phone until he woke. Which wasn't until the next day

"Mmmh" I groaned and tried to open my eyes
"Hey your awake" a familiar voice said
"Mhm shhh I'm right next to you" he said
"What happened?"
"You showed up at my house and fainted"
"Where am I? It's comfy"
"My bed"
"Oh? Did someone get a little-"
"No, I figured you'd want to be somewhere comfortable. We had you on the couch last night" he said and yawned
"Are you tired?"
"Yeah a little, I stayed up all night to make sure you were okay"
"What time is it?"
"11 am on April 17th" I opened my eyes
"Come here" he leaned down "no lay down, and sleep you need some too"
"I'm fine" he said and yawned again, he placed his hand on my forehead "I guess your fever went away"
"I don't care, sleep" I said and moved the blanket for him to climb under
"Makoto, I'm fine get your ass in here and sleep"
"Fine" he mumbled and climbed in, I curled up to his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm glad your okay" he mumbled and fell asleep, I smiled to myself and fell back asleep as well.

When we woke again it was time for dinner, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Then noticed that I wasn't wearing my clothes
"These are not my clothes" I said
"They're mine" he said "I changed you into my clothes and let you sleep. Promise"
"I believe you" I said and got off his bed I squeaked
"Did you just squeak?" He asked looking over the edge
"Yes, I didn't know your bed was that high" I said and he smiled, he pulled me up "I'm hungry"
"Me too" I went to walk out of his room "wait"
"Your hair" he said and finger combed it into its usual style
"Thanks" I said and he kissed my forehead
"Of course, c'mon" he said and led me down to the dining room

"Oh you're awake, thank God"
"Huh?" I said
"You haven't formerly met my family" he said my father Senjuro Teruhashi, my mother Hinata Teruhashi and you've already met my sister"
"I'm sorry for intruding, I was a little delirious yesterday"
"Don't worry about it hun, come and eat" I nodded and sat next to Makoto
"Makoto mentioned that he met you at a Gala"
"Yes the most recent one I believe" I said
"How old are you?"
"Do you have any siblings or family?"
"Mom I told you he's my classmates older brother"
"You mean the one you have a crush on?"
"Uh yeah" she said and blushed
"Kusuo doesn't talk much, he's a very quiet person"
"Around family too? I thought it was just around our classmates"
"He talks more around family than friends, although there is that one kid that he talks to more than anyone"
"Really? Who?"
"Uh I don't remember his name, but he has purple hair"
"Toritsuka? Seriously?"
"Yeah that's his name"
"Where are you going for college?"
"Oh I already graduated"
"From the University of Cambridge, in london"
"I heard that's an elite school" Senjuro said "and expensive"
"I had a scholarship, I'm an inventor"
"I heard that you have to practically be a genius to get a scholarship from them"
"I have an IQ of 218" the table went silent
"I had no clue you were so smart" Makoto said "why didnt you tell me?"
"Ha you didn't ask" I said eyeing him
"I didn't get to it, I wanted to ask considering you had to be something important in order to get into the Gala"
"I was there to meet investors, and because I had to be there"

"You've met other than the gala?"
"Mhm, I planned to thank him by buying lunch or something but he beat me to it. So I still owe him a thank you"
"You two seem to get along well"
"Yeah we do, I'm glad I met him that night" I said looking at him
"Me too, you're fun to be around" I smiled
"We should figure out the next time to meet up, two weeks is too long"
"I agree" he said "any ideas? That can keep my identity hidden"
"Hm amusement park?"
"You wanna go to an amusement park?"
"It's just a suggestion, I don't hear you throwing out ideas"
"Hey what if we go to London? I've never been outside of Japan so going somewhere new would be an adventure"
"You wanna go to London? What about filming?"

"We're almost done actually, we have a week of filming left then I'm free for a month before my next project"
"That's actually not a bad idea, since we'll be in a different continent you don't have to worry about the press and paparazzi"
"Are you going to ask us first?"
"Why should he? He's an adult he can make his own choices"
"And what makes you think-"
"I've been in London since I was 14, I just returned back home to Japan a few months ago" I said and began twirling the knife "I have an IQ 218, I can kill people with a simple machine. If it's safety your concerned with, it's obvious that he's safe with me" I said "let him live his life I mean what's the worst that can happen?" The room was silent "exactly nothing" I said and stood up "thank you for the food and hospitality, Ill be leaving now" I said and started walking back to Makotos room
"Hey wait for me" Makoto said
"Don't even, he's right you know he is" I heard him say and his footsteps got closer, he grabbed my hand and led me back to his room. As soon as the door was shut he hugged me "thank you"
"For what?"
"Standing up to my parents, I hever had the courage to do so until now"
"Of course" I said
"Can I kiss you? I really wanna kiss you" I giggled and nodded he cradled my face and kissed me
"Mh" I smiled against his lips and he pulled away "can I keep these?" I asked
"What my clothes?"
"Yeah, their comfortable"
"Sure" he said and smiled "whatever you want love" he said and buried his face in my hair
"I'll pick you up next Sunday alright?"
"Okay" he said and kissed my cheek "looking forward to it"
"Me too" he said and pulled away, he grabbed my clothes and folded them into a bag "here, your shoes are over there" he said and I put them on
"Thank you Makoto"
"Of course Kusu" he said c'mon I'll walk you to your car" he said and we walked out and past his family. We walked to my car and paused
"Thank you for taking care of me"
"Of course, I'll text you later okay?"
"Okay" he kissed my forehead and I left

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