New Roles

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The next morning I woke up to see Makoto watching me lovingly.
"Good morning beautiful" he said and smiled
"Mh shut up" I mumbled and rolled over, draping my arm over his stomach "it's too early"
"I know but we have to get up" he said brushing my hair from my face
"I hate waking up early"
"I know" he said "but I have to get ready"
"Don't gooo" I whined "stay with me"
"I want to but I can't" I pout
"Fine" I said and sat up, wincing at the pain in my hips.
"You alright? Do your hips hurt?"
"Yeah no thanks to you"
"Ok you can't blame me, your the one who wanted me"
"As if you didn't want me too" I said and he held out some pain killers
"Here" he said "so you're not hurting all day" I smiled and took them
"Thank you" I said and kissed him "shouldn't you go get dressed?"
"I'm worried about you right now" he said tilting my chin up, I curled into his side
"You're too good for me" I said "I really don't deserve you"
"Says who? And you do deserve me, just as I deserve you" he said and kissed my forehead
"Mh" I sighed and tried to climb out of bed, I stumbled at first and had to use the wall for support
"You okay? Do you need my help?"
"Probably" I said and he helped me get dressed, eventually we made our way down to the lounge where the others were waiting.

"Oh morning" I yawned
"Always" I said and held onto Makotos arm "I need coffee"
"I'll grab you one in a second" he said and I leaned against his back, slipping my hand in his.

I felt Kusuke slip his hand in mine, I glanced down and smiled rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb. I noticed Amari out of the corner of my eye
"Morning Amari" I said and she stopped walking
"Morning, I want to apologize for over stepping last night. I shouldn't have asked about your sex life, I'm sorry"
"Oh, don't worry about it" I said "all is forgiven" her eyes landed on mine and Kusukes hands, then flicked back up to mine with a look of surprise. Then she smiled and winked at me before walking to one of the cars waiting for us. "Hey c'mon" I said tugging on Kusukes hand, he didn't respond "hey" I tugged on his hand again "are you even awake back there?"
"Nope he's asleep" one of my co-stars said
"Really? I guess he really was tired" I turned and picked him up carrying him to the closest car. Which happens to have Amari and Shoyo already in it "hey mind if we join you?" I asked
"Welcome" I set Kusuke down and climbed in "is he okay?"
"He's asleep" I said pulling his head to my shoulder so he didn't hurt his neck. "Pretty sure I'm to blame for that" I said
"So was it Kenjiro you wrote the song about?"
"Does that mean?"
"That I lost it to him? Yes"
"Are you gay?"
"Uh I don't really lable myself?"
"Oh ok that's cool man"
"Why did he get so possessive last night?"
"Because this" I said motioning to us "has been a secret since the end of March"
"Didn't you meet in March?"
"Yeah but there's more to our situation than you think"
"...fuck buddies?"
"I guess, although we don't act like it"
"That's obvious" Amari said "but you guys are so cute"
"Does he know you're in love with him?"
"What?!" I said "no I'm not in love with him" I said "...I don't think"
"Tō you wrote a song about him"
"And he brought me to London, we kissed on the London eye. I have a picture"
"Really? I wanna see" I pulled it up "awww so cuutee" she said "I wanna go to London with my girlfriend, it's on my bucket list"
"You have a girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I'm bisexual"
"Oh cool what about you Shoyo?"
"You remember my old co-star? Tobio Kageyama?"
"Yeah? From that show Haikyuu right?"
"Yeah I'm were getting married in July" he said holding up his hand
"I'm so happy for you!"
"Yeah man congrats"
"Thanks" he said "were already planning on adopting kids so we're both pretty excited to start a family"


We finally arrived on set and the director called a meeting.
"Alright, you guys have been doing amazing so far and I'm so glad to work with such an amazing team" he said "but Mr Mugami came up to me yesterday and proposed an idea, I've talked it over with the writers and  sponsors for the movie and they like the idea. So instead of Toorus charecter looking for revenge alone, he will be joined by a new charecter played by Kenjiro. And by the end of the movie they will be together"
"Wait I'm gonna be in your movie?"
"But I'm not an actor, or a girl"
"You'll receive voice tra-"
"What if we kept the charecter male? And made my charecter fall for him without knowing he was a guy?" I asked "Kenji's hair is long enough to pass for female, along with his current body type"
"Yeah we can work that into the script" one of the writers said "what other ideas do you have?"
"A bunch actually"
"Let's meet up now and start the writing process" I nodded and followed them into a room where I explained all of my ideas, which they gladly added into the script and even added more details to it. Weeks went by of rehearsals and training before we could continue with the movie.

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