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December 23

It's been three months since Makoto woke from his coma, a lot had happened in those three months. For one, we now lived together in a penthouse, and two we were out to all of Japan and the film industry. Our choice of course, we received some hate which was expected but we also received a ton of support from fans, co-stars, our families. Almost everyone accepted us and were ecstatic about the announcement of our relationship. Our families practically melded together on their own. Which led to now

I rolled over and was met with my favorite scent
"Mm Makoto"
"Morning" he said rubbing my back
"I'm gonna go make breakfast, you can stay here and sleep" he said and kissed my forehead before slipping out of bed, I made a noise of annoyance. My source of warmth was gone, I opened my eyes and blinked a the sleep away. I sat up and sauntered downstairs towards the sound of food being made. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rest my cheek on his back "baby I said I'd bring you breakfast, go back to bed"
"You're my source of heat" I mumbled blindly tracing the lines of his abs, while our black cat Kaito rubbed his tail on our legs
"That's cute, maybe if you work more than my shirt and boxers you'd be a little warmer"
"But I like cuddling with you" he sighed
"You are too adorable for me to resist, you know that?"
"Go sit on the couch and curl up in a blanket, I'll make you some coffee in a minute"
"Mmk" I mumbled and sat on the couch wrapped up in my soft blanket, a few minutes later Makoto handed me a cup of coffee "thank you"
"Mhm breakfast is almost done" he said and disappeared back to the kitchen just to come back with two full plate of food
"Looks good, thank you"
"You're welcome" he said and kissed my forehead, at that second my phone went off "I'll grab it" he said setting his food down on the coffee table, Kaito immediately popped up and tried to steal some sausage
"Kai pshh, no. That's not yours" I said nudging him down with my foot he looked up at me and meowed headbutting my foot. I giggled as Makoto came back down with my phone
"Your mom texted you" he said and pet Kaitos head "c'mon Kai I'll feed you" he said walking towards his food and water dishes


Ku we're gonna have a Christmas eve party tomorrow, you should come and bring your boyfriend too

Sure do you want me to bring anything?

An appetizer or main dish

Who else is coming?

Kusuos boyfriend and I think that's it
Maybe Makotos family too

What time should we be there?

Does 5 sound good?

Yeah that works
See you tomorrow

Can't wait ❤️

Me too

"What did your mom want?" Makoto asked coming back from feeding the cat
"She invited us to a Christmas party tomorrow, it starts at 5 and she wants us to bring either an appetizer or a main dish"
"Okay, you think I can make desert instead?"
"Probably, she said your family might be there too"
"Oh ok" he said and started eating "should we make a crêpe cake?" He asked with a small smirk, I rolled my eyes recalling the fond memory "we have to make something everyone will like, not just me"
"Okay I'll look up some recipes and go from there"
"What are we gonna do today?"
"Mh oh! eh nevermind"
"Well I was gonna suggest we do a bit of Christmas shopping"
"Sure, it's a little last minute but might as well" he chuckled
"Baby I don't mean that kind of Christmas shopping" he said his hand sliding up my thigh
"Oh? What did you have in mind?"
"You'll see" he said leaning closer to my lips
"Don't be a tease" I said and he kissed my cheek
"I'll tell you after we eat"

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