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Name: Owen Conner Cromwell

Nicknames:O, Conner, Cromwell, Wen, Flash, Quicksilver, Dash, Speedy etc...

Age: 10

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight


Personality: Owen being ten is an energetic kid

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Personality: Owen being ten is an energetic kid. He loves to run around with friends and just be himself. He's always been rather adventurous and doesn't back down from things. That's gotten him into trouble quite a few times from now. He's quite sporty as well. Owen loves to run track and is probably the fastest kid on the team even without his powers. Once his powers manifested he became secretive and sometimes a bit more closed off.

Likes: sports, running, his powers, just being a kid and roughhousing, exploring/adventuring

Dislikes: bullies, being sick, the possibility of his powers being found out, those who could be after him because of them

Fears: being experimented on, storms

Powers: super speed

Family: Tristan (dad), Carly (mom), Jacob (younger brother)

Friends:a few of my ocs, your oc etc

Enemies: some of my ocs etc


Pets: his chocolate Labrador retriever puppy Thor

Backstory: Owen's had a relatively normal childhood

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Backstory: Owen's had a relatively normal childhood. He grew up loved and cared for like most kids. When he was six his baby brother Jacob was born. He was a bit wary about a sibling at first. Soon though his family fell into routine and Jacob became his best friend. When Owen turned ten everything seemed normal at first. He had an amazing birthday party and everything. The next day his parents had left home for work and to take Jacob out. Owen was home alone when he suddenly felt something course through his body. It was a smooth odd feeling and he suddenly wanted to run. Owen went to the trail which was luckily deserted. As after a few moments of light jogging he was a blur speeding down the trail. Owen was in shock for a few days over this. When he told his friends they didn't believe him. I mean what kid doesn't wish they had powers? Owen's learned to hide this power so that he can stay safe.

Other: none

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