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Name: Bran Micheal Crassus

Nicknames:B, Micheal, Crassus, Mr.Crassus, the shadow man, mr.elusive, the wanderer etc

Age: 24 (in reality he's hundreds of years old)

Gender: male

Sexuality: unknown (presumed bisexual)

Species: fallen angel

Looks: Bran is quite the well built individual. He is often seen as quite pale though he does have some semblance of a tan to him. Bran has raven black hair swept back from his face and eyes. He has stunning blue eyes. Protruding from his back are a pair of raven black wings. When he doesn't want them to be seen they become two wing tattoos on his back. Bran is a pretty tall individual who looks rather foreboding.

Personality: Bran is rather mysterious when it comes down to it. He doesn't tend to share much or even talk much. He perceives himself as a helper of sorts. It's been his life's journey ever since he was cast out of heaven. He had "sinned" by rehabilitating someone who was meant to go to hell. Bran is a kind person through and through. He dedicates himself to the kids he looks after.

Likes: helping the kids, helping in general, when he can spread his wings and fly, heaven

Dislikes:hell, the concept of one being controlling everything, when one of the kids in his care is hurt/sick or causes some sort of issue, day time

Fears: death

Powers: he can fly and seemingly blends into the shadows. It's a trick he picked up and uses it on occasion.

Family: unknown

Friends: unknown

Enemies: plenty

Crush: none

Pets: none

Backstory: Bran was a normal angel. However someone appeared for their judging. He saw good in them despite the unfortunate circumstances forced upon them. False convictions for things they didn't do. However he seemed to be the only one who could see this. Bran snuck the man into heaven and worked with him. Helped him focus on good deeds and showing his goodwill. However Bran was caught and cast down to Earth. Now he roams Earth hoping go one day return home.

Other: none

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