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Name: Jupiter Lillian Noel

Nicknames: Jup (pronounced joop), J, Jupi (pronounced joop-e), Lily, Noel etc

Age: depends

Gender: female

Sexuality: lesbian demiromantic

Looks: used Artbreeder

Personality: Jupiter is quite indifferent towards most things

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Personality: Jupiter is quite indifferent towards most things. Though she's far from ignorant or unintelligent. She just doesn't care for most conversations. Finding them to be useless and unhelpful. She may seem like a bit of a hotheaded asshole most of the time. However she's just protecting herself deep down. Jupiter knows what she can do and sometimes it frightens her. She's also dealt with plenty of heartache/break throughout her life. She's not one to be open and hides her heart from others. As each time she's opened up it always seems to backfire for her. Resulting in her losing friends and her ex-girlfriend. Jupiter does tend to come off as aggressive sometimes though that's usually if you've really provoked her. Otherwise she's a fun loving and sarcastic girl. One who wishes she could be a normal teenage girl and party. Not stuck hiding out because of something she never asked for in the first place.

Likes: parties, swimming, being a regular teen, drinking, girls, having fun

Dislikes: her father, her older sister, being cooped up, having to hide out, not being able to be herself, boys

Fears: letting people in and getting hurt again

Powers: lightning abilities. She can produce lightning from her hands and shoot it wherever.

Family: Madison Noel (mother; alive), Nicholas Noel (father; unknown hoped to be deceased), Natalie Noel (older sister; alive)

Friends: unknown

Enemies: many

Crush: none

Pets: none

Backstory: Jupiter was born to happy couple Maddie and Nick. She was their second born and second daughter. Her older sister always resented her claiming she was an accident. That she was never meant to exist. Natalie claimed she was meant to be an only child. These comments hurt Jupiter but, if she retaliated with just her dad around he'd punish her. Her mom however would reprimand Natalie. She never got along with her sister. When she was 10 Jupiter went to her dad's "work". In reality he began experimenting on her and doing his own thing outside of his work. When she turned 12 Jupiter was so fed up and angry she accidentally shot lightning from her hands. This shocked her dad and she believed she had killed him. Out of fear she ran home hitch hiking a bit. However he was alive and didn't mention anything. At 13 she had her first girlfriend and hid her. However when Natalie found out she outed her to her parents. This caused Jupiter to be upset as her dad hated her more. Meanwhile her mother supported her and just hugged her. Unfortunately the girl was only with her as a mean prank and they broke up. She also lost people she thought were friends after that. Jupiter couldn't take it anymore as she kept losing those close to her and who she thought loved her. She wrote a note leaving it on the kitchen table. Then she packed some meager belongings and ran away. She's been on the run since.

Other: none

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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