Chapter 11 — Do You Like Me?
"So, where are we going?"
That's when Liam realises he hasn't uttered a single word since he and Jason got in his car. He didn't even tell Jason where it is that he needs to go so urgently — and how is he even supposed to explain why it's so important for him to go to the dry cleaners, carrying all his boss' clothes that he just collected earlier that day.
It is better to be quiet anyways than try and explain himself — he doesn't want to incriminate himself.
"Right, sorry," Liam apologises, and puts in the address into the GPS device, "There,"
"To the dry cleaners?"
Only a nod.
"On the other side of town?"
Another nod.
"If you want, I can suggest other good ones that are much closer. Save you the hassle," Jason shrugs, as he takes a right following the directions provided by the GPS.
"No, no, no," Liam quickly shakes his head. He does not want to risk, giving the clothes to a new place and have them ruined, further sealing his fate than he already has, "It's fine. This place is good,"
Liam leans back in his seat, and looks out the window, not adding anything more. It is a few minutes more before Jason speaks up once more.
"Can I ask you something?"
Liam turns towards Jason raising his eyebrows in question and then slowly nodding, "Sure,"
He drums his fingers on the steering wheel before asking, "Are you currently seeing someone?" the tips of his ears are a bright red, signalling how embarrassing it is for him to ask this about him and for a moment Liam forgets about the fuckup of a situation he is in and pays close attention to the very much endearing man beside him.
"What if I am?"
Jason takes his eyes off the road for a moment to regard Liam curiously, "Does that mean you are?"
Instead of answering that question, Liam redirects the question to him, "Are you seeing someone?"
"Not exactly,"
"So, single?"
"And ready to mingle," Jason adds without missing a beat with a tune to it and all, and by the way his eyes widen a second later, it's clear he didn't mean to say that out loud.
Liam starts snickering, holding a hand over his mouth.
"Shit. I did not just say that out loud," he mumbles under his breath, rubbing his forehead with a couple of his fingers. Sheepishly, he spares a glance at Liam, "That was very lame and stupid. Is there any way we can pretend I did not just say that?"
"Definitely not," Liam shakes his head, still laughing, "I'm totally going to hold this over you every chance I get here onwards,"
"That's very considerate. Thanks,"
Liam only grins at him. He feels much more relaxed than before.
And this is the first time he feels so at ease with Jason. They have had lunches together for quite a few times now, and Liam does like spending time with him, but for some reason it has always felt a bit... off.
But not this time. Liam feels like himself, laughing and joking freely and it seems like Jason is very much at ease too, more laid back than he usually is.
The conversation between them flows pretty smoothly after that and Liam almost forgets why they are together in the first place until Jason pulls into the parking spot before the cleaners.

Temporary Fix ✔️
RomanceLiam Spencer is fresh out of a relationship and also a job. Not of his own accord, of course. His fiance called off their engagement, and since they work in the same place, Liam can't bear to see his face every day and resigned from the job himself...