Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 — A Dinner Invitation

"What were you talking about?"

Liam approaches his boss straightaway after entering the office. He did meet up with Jason before coming up, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to admit to him that he had seen them. He will tell him, just not now.

"Pardon me?" Aaron looks up confused.

Liam sighs, walking up to his table and sits in front of him, and folds his arms on the table, looking scrutinisingly at his boss, "What were you talking about?"

"I was just looking at the computer screen. Is there something wrong with you?"

"Not now," he shakes his head, "Just now. Down at the parking lot,"

Aaron's eyebrows rise an inch as realisation sets in, and he leans back in his chair. It's obvious that he knows what Liam is talking about, but still he asks, "What was I doing in the parking lot?"

Liam points a finger at him accusingly, narrowing his eyes, "You know,"

"Hmm, no. I don't think so. Why don't you refresh my memory?"

"You were talking to Jason. What were you talking about?"

"Were you spying on us, Liam?"

"What? No!"

"Then how do you know we were talking?"

"I saw you guys," and then he quickly adds before he can be wrongly accused again, because really he was not spying on anyone, "I just came in and I saw the both of you there talking,"

"How come you didn't approach us then?" he asks without missing a beat, a stupid smirk clear on his lips — he could at least try to hide it.

"Because... I didn't want to interrupt anything," that is a weak reason, Liam is aware even as he says it, and he is almost sure he can guess what the dickface is going to say next.

"And why are you not asking this question to Jason?"

As I thought, Liam thinks to himself, "I am going to ask him. But you are nearer," Liam knows very well that he is only digging himself a deeper grave now, instead of trying to figure out a way to climb out.

"I can easily solve that problem for you," before Liam has even registered the words, the dickface has picked up the phone, and is talking into it, "Jason? Yeah, if you can come by my office for a few minutes. Thanks," he puts down the phone and smiles up at a very stunned Liam.

"What the fuck did you just do?"

"Oh, nothing. Just called Jason to come over here so you can him the question that you have,"

"You..." Liam is so frustrated, words are failing and the most he can come up with is: "You truly are a dick,"

"Thank you," he nods, "Now if I can go back to my work,"

Liam stands up, huffing, "Fuck you," and gets out of his room. He paces for a while until he sees Jason approaching and quickly goes up to him, blocking his way.

"Oh, hey," Jason says, laughing a little.

"What are you doing here?" he asks even though he knows the exact reason why he is there.

Jason nods at the room his boss is in, "Aaron asked me to be here actually — didn't tell me why. Probably some accounting thing," and starts to walk past him.

"No!" he suddenly exclaims, blocking his way once again and when the former looks down at him quizzically, he chuckles awkwardly, "Do you really think it's some accounting thing?"

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