Chapter 21 — Past Relationships
"Oh, um..." and abruptly Liam's mind goes blank. He isn't sure if this is a good idea, if he wants to or is ready to hear everything just yet.
Isn't this what he was digging around for from the start though? Then why this uncertainty?
He decides to start simple, from the question he has already asked Jason but failed to get an answer for, "How long did you guys go out?"
"A few months last year — maybe three or four months,"
According to Liam's experience, or from what he remembers, that must be the time when things start to get serious in a relationship. He nods, thinking what he can ask next. He remembers having stacks of questions in his head, but now he can't think of one.
By the way Jason keeps fiddling with his fingers and fidgeting in his seat, Liam can tell that he isn't really comfortable either, and he doesn't want to push this topic further. He was just surprised to learn that Jason had gone out with their boss specifically, not that he had dated someone. Of course, he must have seen people before, so have Liam. He was even engaged to one — oh, that's something he should probably tell Jason.
"This is awkward," Jason starts before Liam can come up with another question, "I'll just tell you all the main things. Okay," he takes in a deep breath before continuing, "We went out last year, like I told you. It was... fun, nice. I liked him and I think, or I like to think, that he liked me too. Everything was good and then a couple of months later, I honestly don't know what happened, he just broke up with me. Uh, he told me he has a policy that he won't date anyone he works with and uh, yeah. That's it," he nods, and then quickly stands up, "You want a drink? I want a drink. I'm going to get a drink," and disappears into the kitchen.
Liam watches after in shock and mouths what the fuck because honestly what the fuck. They broke up because of that stupid policy that doesn't even exist in their office? What the fuck is wrong with their boss?
Jason appears again with two glasses with ice cubes in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand. He pours some in both of the glasses and passes one to Liam and takes one for himself. He downs the drink in one go and pours himself some more.
"So, any questions?"
"Did he not know that you worked for him before you–"
"No, no. He knew,"
"Then..." he exhales sharply — something doesn't really add up here.
Jason shrugs, "I don't know. That's all he would tell me, and... I don't know. I mean I'm not stupid, it was obvious he was lying to me and there was something else. But it looked like he wasn't interested in me anymore and so I just let it go,"
"And you continued to work for him?"
Another shrug, "I don't cross paths with him a lot, and it's a good pay so,"
Liam nods, but there's still something nagging at him. There's something missing here. It's hard to believe that the dickface didn't have any interest in Jason anymore. It actually seems like the opposite to him, but he can't tell that to Jason, not when it looks like he's not quite still over everything that happened between the two of them.
"That's why I told you there's no way he still likes me," Jason continues, "He broke up with me and he didn't even bother to give me a good reason,"
Liam can only nod silently. His mind does a quick flash back to when Aaron asked him Why Jason. He distinctly remembers the look in his eyes then — the confusion and longing in them. That didn't look like he didn't care about Jason anymore.
"Is there anything else you want to know?"
Actually yes, but he shakes his head no. The questions that he does have are not the ones Jason can answer anyway and it's not like he can ask them either. This should be enough, and why focus on something that is done anyway? He better focus on the now and on himself and particularly Jason.
He pats the empty spot next to him and gestures at Jason to sit, and when he does, he throws his arms around him and pulls him close, "Thank you for telling me,"
Jason just lets out a sigh as if he's relieved and wraps his own arms around him.
Pulling away, Liam clears his throat — before he forgets there is something that he should tell Jason as well as they are on past relationships topic.
"I was engaged to a guy before this,"
Jason's eyes quickly flick to his hand and Liam has to emphasise himself.
"Was. It got called off and we broke up,"
"Oh," he nods and there's no mistaking the question behind his facade.
Liam rolls his eyes, "You can ask why," and proceeds to explain himself, "It's a messed up story, to be frank. I was engaged to this man, Benjamin. We worked together too. And everything was great — I loved him. But around last year my sister's husband passed away in a freak accident and she has been a right mess after that. She's my sister, you know and she has two kids. I started to take care after her and that just took up most of my time. That's when he broke up with me,"
He swallowed a lump that has started to form at the base of his throat. He is over that asshole of a man, he really is but he would be lying if he said it was easy to talk about all this again.
"I didn't understand anything; I was completely hurt. I quit my job, I moved out of our house and now I'm living with my sister and working as a temp here. Only a couple of weeks back, I sought him out and talked to him — I needed to know why he really broke up with me. Apparently, I wasn't giving him enough attention. And as if that's not shitty enough already, he admitted that he cheated on me and that he felt guilty about it and broke up with me,"
Jason stared at him for a full minute in complete shock before saying, "Wow,"
"And he broke up with you?"
Liam lets out a bitte chuckle, nodding, "Yup,"
"That's... terrible. Wow, that's just terrible. I'm sorry,"
He shrugs, "No, it's fine. I'm okay now. And funny thing, I decided to not date for a while after that but then I met you and here we are,"
"Impossible to resist, aren't I?"
Liam wrinkles his nose, shaking his head, "Ugh, no. I was just bored of being single,"
He punches his shoulder lightly, before resting his head against it, "No, seriously, I'm sorry that happened to you. That's shitty,"
"It's okay," and before Liam can think much of it, he pecks his forehead, "I'm good now. We're good,"

Temporary Fix ✔️
RomanceLiam Spencer is fresh out of a relationship and also a job. Not of his own accord, of course. His fiance called off their engagement, and since they work in the same place, Liam can't bear to see his face every day and resigned from the job himself...