Chapter 30 — Ridiculous Question
Liam finally knows what it will feel like to be hit by a moving truck — at least mentally.
Just exactly how long is it going to take you to finally admit that you like Aaron as well?
What the fuck does Jason even mean when he asked him that question?
Liam could have very well asked that very question to Jason himself but is that what he does?
No, absolutely not.
What he does instead is — he stares at Jason, his apparently so-called boyfriend for a good minute, too stunned to say anything at all or even move. And when he does somewhat recover from his initial shock, he still refuses to say anything. Wordlessly, he stands up, and even though Jason keeps calling after him, he leaves.
He hasn't talked to him ever since then, even though he's gotten more than enough calls and texts from him.
And that night he goes to a troubled sleep, polluted with a rather bizarre dream. In this dream, Liam is trapped in a ball pit — yes, trapped — and he can't get out of it. The worst part is the balls have faces on them; faces of either of Jason's or Aaron's and it is like he is surrounded by them, and as the minutes pass it seems like the balls are increasing in number and he is drowning in them and he can't get out of the pit and he cannot breathe and he is drowning and–
Finally, he is able to wake himself up, his heart racing for miles. It takes him a while to calm down and to recognise that it was just a stupid nightmare. He realises that it is definitely going to be a great day (do note the sarcasm).
He wishes he won't have to go in for work today as well, wishes that Aaron is still sick (he doesn't care how bad it sounds for him). However, he knows even as he sees accepts the call from Chloe that that's not going to happen and... yes, he has to go in for work today.
Just exactly how long is it going to take you to finally admit that you like Aaron as well?
The words echo in his head, and as much as he tries to shake it off, he cannot.
Him? Liking Aaron?
He scoffs to himself — yeah, right.
But still, he cannot help the irritation he feels, because how dare Jason even suggest something like that. And this weird nagging feeling deep down in his heart won't leave him alone either.
Yes, this is definitely going to be a great day.
Liam practically drags himself to the office and as if that already doesn't tire him, he has to sneak in since Jason is right there at the front, obviously waiting for him, but Liam just can't see him right then. The only thing he has planned for today is work, work and work. He cannot afford to add in anything else.
He somehow successfully manages to sneak in without Jason noticing and he thinks he can finally relax and but he cannot be any more wrong. Because there right in front of his table stands his boss.
Unlike Jason, he cannot avoid Aaron, especially not at work since he is their boss.
So, taking in a deep breath, he comes to term with the fact that he doesn't really have a choice here and have to face his boss, and marches straight ahead. He keeps his gaze focused on everywhere except his boss. He's definitely not going to acknowledge him unless he absolutely has to.
"Good morning," surprisingly this is the day Aaron chooses to be civil.
"Morning," and Liam can't even look him in the eyes, not without thinking what Jason told him, "Um, so how are you feeling?" he asks, trying to keep himself busy organising the papers on his desk, although there's nothing there to be organised.

Temporary Fix ✔️
عاطفيةLiam Spencer is fresh out of a relationship and also a job. Not of his own accord, of course. His fiance called off their engagement, and since they work in the same place, Liam can't bear to see his face every day and resigned from the job himself...