Chapter 35 — Let's All Of Us Be In A Relationship
"Are you absolutely sure that this is what you want?" Jason asks Liam for the umpteenth time.
Liam turns to him with a bored expression, "No matter how many times you ask me, my answer is not going to change," and then on a second thought, he adds, "Unless, it's not what you want,"
Jason lets out a scoff, shaking his head lightly, "You have no idea how much I've wanted this,"
"Hmm," the other man purses his lips as if in deep thought, and then says, "But I thought you said that you'd be okay if I didn't want this. How does that work if this is what you wanted?"
He shrugs, "I can compromise,"
Liam smiles at him, warmth flooding him — that's all he feels when he looks at Jason really: warmth, and he couldn't be any happier about it. Because what more he can possibly ask? He leans against the man and rests his face against his arm. Jason doesn't even think much about it and instantly bends down and places a small kiss on the crown of his head.
Liam wrinkles his nose, moving away, embarrassed by the blatant PDA they're exhibiting but also secretly loves it. He starts talking, so that they don't get distracted any further and focus on the matter at hand, "So, what would be the best approach you think?"
Both of the men are at a small, quaint diner not far away from their office. It's after work and they decided they would go out for a cup of coffee — that's not all there is to it really.
They have invited Aaron, their boss to join them as well. They, of course, presented it as a casual idea, unsure if he would accept their invite and to their surprise and very much to their expectation he agreed. That's when the gravity of what they are actually going to or planning to do settled in.
Neither have them have actually talked about it or thought it through. Liam admitted the day before that he would like for all of them to be in a relationship and it is something that very much appeals to Jason as well, and they didn't see the reason why they should not talk about it and decided they would meet up for coffee today. All three of them.
That's the extent of their plan. For some reason, it did not strike either of them to think about what they're going to say or how they're even going to approach the topic.
Liam has been hoping that maybe Jason would know, but by the sheepish expression he gives him, he recognises that he has been hoping in vain.
"I thought maybe you'd have an idea?" Jason admits slowly.
Wonderful, he thinks to himself.
He sneaks a glance at the door. Aaron has yet to show up.
"Okay, it's not too late yet. Let's come up with an idea how to tell him — I think the best approach would to be slow and–,"
"Hi. We like you. Let's all of us be in a relationship," Jason suggests readily.
"–subtle," Liam finishes, and blinks at his boyfriend in confusion slowly nodding, "Or we can go for direct and freak him the fuck out,"
"You think he'll freak out?"
"Fuck knows. I just think it's best we think from all angles... or fuck that, because he's here,"
Aaron steps into the small diner and it takes him a minute to spot the two men, and waves once he does.
"Are we using my idea?" Jason whispers in a hurry.
"What? No. I don't know," Liam manages to reply just in time before Aaron is at their table.
"Hey," he greets them, as he slides into the booth opposite them, "Hope I'm not too late,"

Temporary Fix ✔️
Roman d'amourLiam Spencer is fresh out of a relationship and also a job. Not of his own accord, of course. His fiance called off their engagement, and since they work in the same place, Liam can't bear to see his face every day and resigned from the job himself...