Chapter 8: Things get complicated

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I don't know why people don't want to let me lie on the floor of my room in peace listening to 1980s rock. I think that's a fine use of my time. I sigh, sitting up. I don't dare get cross if it is my mother she doesn't deserve that. Just the wood faeries do deserve that for sneaking all the way in here to rap on my door and run off giggling.
"Yeah?" I ask, sitting up and going to turn off the music.
"It's me, you got a minute?"
"Uncle Shane? What are you doing still here?" I ask, going to the door.
"To be completely honest, I was leaving with things that belong to your dad, but Mac said you guys had a werewolf hunt and he hadn't seen you after, so wanted to make sure you were all right?" He says, leaning in the doorway.
"Come in," I sigh, going to sit at the foot of my bed, "Yeah—sorry, shit—," I check my phone. I should have texted Mac that I left. I have five missed texts from him.
"It's fine, I wanted to make sure you were all right that's all," he says, sitting down on the floor and wincing a little, holding his left side.
"Did you get cursed?"
"Yeah, not recently it's fine, you are all right though?" He asks.
"I'm fine," I lie as usual, looking at the missed texts from my friend. Should jump out the window. That's it or cut my veins open.
"Doesn't sound it. Mac implied this might have to do with a girl?" He says.
"What—Jade? God no, Mac can have her; he looks at her wrists enough," I scoff.
"Does he?" Shane laughs.
"More than a bit, also she can probably kill him, so you might want to have a talk with him about that," I say, "No, I just didn't feel well is all, Jade was being nice she wanted to make sure I got back."
"Getting sick?"
"No, I'm just really tired I think. Long day," I say, the lie is easy enough.
"All right then, I'll let you get your rest. Is there anyone special at school? You just told me Mac's—apparent fetish I was okay not knowing about—come on," he smiles, tossing his hat at me. I toss it back.
"There is this guy," I admit, taking a deep breath. It's okay. I can tell him anything he's bisexual and hunts vampires for fun. I can literally tell him anything and it's not worse than what he does with his time.
"Really?" He asks, catching the hat.
"Yeah—I sort of told him he had to dance with me at homecoming. I said it like a joke sort of but he said all right, he wasn't pissed, I've never done something like that before. I don't know why I did," I sigh.
"Good for you."
"No, so I can't tell mom and dad—you know I have to date within the coven, it's ridiculous," I sigh. It can't be anything. I can't be anything I should just die.
"That's ridiculous, date whoever you want. You're sixteen. Sort out who you marry, or how you have kids later, and it's cool you asked him. Worst thing they can do is say no, and try to kill you, but you're a very powerful warlock with the most powerful amplifier in existence so you know," he says.
I smile, "I don't know if he's gay or anything."
"Well he said yes, that's fun. Doesn't have to be more than a dance," he says, smiling, "All right? Just enjoy yourself life's too short to—I wish I'd met Mac's mother sooner all right? I spent two months worrying about whether she'd want me or not, just staring at her from across the room—of course as soon as I talked to her it was over, she'd been looking at me the whole time. I just didn't know it. I could have two more months with her and maybe we'd have figured out she was having Mac—I don't know."
"It's not your fault he's sick," I say.
"Kind of is, in that maybe my magic could have protected him from the curses or something when he was born, it wouldn't have hurt, his mother's a super star for him to be half the warlock he is with just her, but still—whatever my point to you is, don't regret taking a chance all right? It could be the rest of your life," he says.
"Okay," I nod. That does help actually. The rest of my life could be very short.
"But—um—responsible thing—safe sex—abstinence—bluh, bluh, whatever your dad's sex speech was—,"
"My dad's sex speech was 'they do this with you in school don't they?' I said yes but here's the thing, they didn't, I was supposed to get it but I hid in the cafeteria that day reading, anyway my dad said 'thank Lucifer' we shook hands and he left, and I just called Mac, it was good," I say, grinning.
"Great flow of information, Mac's mom gave him the speech because I 'don't do things coherently and get distracted easily and the kid is good at distracting you'—so. Okay, perfect, you kids have this down. All right, I'll let you get some sleep," he says.
"Thanks Uncle Shane—no, the talk helped," I say, feeling myself smile.
"We aim to please," he winks at me, "Door open or closed."
"Closed," I say, flopping down on the floor again.

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