Chapter 15: Soren Manor

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After a bit of deliberation we all set out for Soren Manor. By a bit of deliberation I mean Gale asking us not to tell his parents that he's taking the stolen anti-depressants then remembering they aren't even his parents so it doesn't technically matter and agreeing to go along with it. He's definitely in shock, and he and Shane are rightfully annoyed with all of us. They keep remembering the other was as clueless as them and awkwardly intentionally being nice to the other, as opposed to everyone else. Jade glares at them generally, but I remind her they've had a shock. It may be a blip on the radar in her world, and my previous one, to find who you're related to, but to them I realize it's a big deal.
It irks me more than I thought it would, however. I really was fine with Shane being my dad. I liked that. Even if I knew it was a lie. And I liked Gale being my best friend. Now I've lost both.
My mother is not much better.  But I squeeze her around the shoulders and Jade is nice to her so that's surprising I really didn't know she was capable of reliably being nice to people for a long period of time. I voice this and she says, "It doesn't work with men." I figured that was understandable.
We're admitted to Soren Manor immediately. I suppose they were expecting us. They have been trying to call us I think but our phones were out of power except my mom's and we didn't answer that. I mean, what were we gonna say? Yes, no one is related as they thought they were, goodnight? Whatever. We'll just move on.
The manor is huge, with sprawling grounds. It's probably like the fourth time in his life Shane has entered the proper way because he's legitimately confused as to where we're going. Gale knows, but is not helpful, with his hands in his pockets and shoulders hunched.
The visit isn't that special I guess, because servants still greet us, offer to take weapons we refuse to remove, and the show us up to some posh receiving area where rich people have emotional conversations. I mutter something about this and Jade mutters something about needing to actually get our own castle again so gonna delve into that memory later.
Alec and Anita Soren are waiting, looking a bit worse for the wear. Well, Alec has changed and cleaned up a little but looks like he's having the worst day of his life. He probably is.
Anita looks—well I suppose. In a black dress, dark hair like mine pulled back harshly. I expected to feel something when I looked at her. Knowing she was my 'real' mother. But with my memories restored now all I feel is a weird, lazy indifference. I've had plenty of lives and mothers, and the one who raised me matters most in my affections.
She is not indifferent, and nearly breaks down at the sight of me. So does Alec, again, but he saw me die and such so we should be good. I didn't expect to have both of their attention on me but here we are. My shirt is probably buttoned wrong and I didn't clean up all that productively, there's butterfly bandages on my face and though I'm breathing I still limp severely.
"Hi," I wave at them, politely, "I'm Mac Embry. Guess you know that now. This is my friend, Jade."
"Your FRIEND?"
"If I'd said fiancé would you not have had a little melt down that I hadn't proposed to you AGAIN?" I ask.
Very quietly, "Yes."
"Okay then," I shrug.
Thankfully, our sidebar argument is largely ignored in favor of Shane forgetting he was resisting his natural urge to stab his brother in the eye and just very casually finding a knife to go stab his brother in the eye.
"Don't even think about it," Jade restrains him, automatically, "He's the only valid person who can wield the amplifier like it or not we need him alive. If he keeps being irritating I help you stab him later as a bonding activity for us, deal?"
"What?" Alec doesn't like that deal.
"Just one eye? He doesn't need two," Shane points out.
"Two do help with certain spells also then what if I need an eye for a potion and the person we hate the most, you for good reasons, me due to vibes, has only one eye?" Jade says, still holding him back.
"What?" Alec sputters.
Anita is just crying, she ignores the small spat and walks forward to touch my arm, as though not believing I exist. When she sees I'm just flesh she takes both my arms, sobbing.
"I'm so sorry," she whispers.
"I don't blame you, for anything," I say, gently, "I've had an amazing life. I am happy."
"I'm not!" Gale says, drawing attention back to him and my mother who were standing there quietly.
"I blame you both—you both lied to me!" Gale says, angrily.
"You did," I agree.
"And to me," Shane says, as Jade finally lets him go, "You just ah—figured I was dead so you'd fucking take my kid, huh? Joke's on you that I wound up raising your kid—,"
"You were gone," Alec says.
"SO YOU FIGURED AH I'LL LIE TO THIS KID ALL HIS LIFE AND LET HIS MOTHER GO INTO DEPRESSION IN ABJECT POVERTY??" Shane needs to be restrained again. Thankfully, Jade is up to the task and it keeps her from insulting them herself like we all know she was going to.
"I'm so sorry, I couldn't—-I was going to tell you," Anita looks at Gale, "But I was terrified you'd want her more than me. I didn't want to lose you."
"For a —small group—of people who don't want to lose me you've all—lied to me, except him—," Gale points at Shane.
"No, I also didn't know things," Shane says.
"He's fine, we raised him better than you could have—," Alec says.
"That wasn't your place!" Shane growls.
"You didn't even know he was alive!"
"We didn't mean to hurt you," Anita says.
"Well you did!" Gale cries, tears running down his face, "All of you, did!"
"I love you, more than anything—both of you," Anita says, looking at me as well, "And I'm so—so sorry."
"We," my mother nods to Anita, "Switched you. Because at the time we thought it was best. Mac, I chose to tell you the truth later, but I lied to you Shane for the same reason that your mother lied to you, Gale. Because we were terrified to lose the child we had."
"I don't blame either of you, as I said I have had a good life," I say, looking between them, "I'm glad you're my moms."
"I gave you up because I wanted to protect you, to give you a good life, just without me in it," my mother says to Gale, "You don't have to forgive me, or understand. But I did what I did because I love you. So much, my precious boy."
"I should have told you who she was. But I was terrified of losing you, you're—all I ever wanted," Anita says, as Gale breaks down, sobbing. She looks at me, "I never, ever would have let you go if I thought you were alive."
"I know," I nod, smiling a little.
"Please, Gale, I know you're angry with me, all I wanted was to be the best mother I could be to you and I know I failed you," Anita says.
Gale wipes his face with his sleeve.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth. But it was theirs to tell you, not mine," I say.
"I'm still angry," Gale says, looking between them, then at his mother, "You shouldn't have lied to me. I wouldn't have—I wouldn't have not chosen you. Why did you think it was a choice? I want you both."
"We want you too," my mother says, wiping tears from her eyes, "I know how hard this has been, but I'm so glad I got to finally meet you."
"I'm glad I got to meet you—how—," Anita looks at me, "Are you not—still ill? From the curse?"
"I didn't know how long he'd live, as I said," My mother says.
"Oh I'm good now. I kind of died so the curse is technically over, I have a couple other curses but those are kind of my fault. I don't listen to instructions or warnings," I say.
"You kind of what—?" Anita asks.
"Alec—how much did you NOT tell your wife about what happened?" I ask, looking at the minor scuffle on the other side of the room. Alec is backing away from Shane, and Jade is only stopping him from harming his brother at the last minute.
"Look, I am not having a good day," Alec says, "Did you just call me—?"
"He's my dad," I point at Shane, "I like him better. Sorry. They can both be my moms but you really haven't done anything to earn 'dad' status."
"I am your father," he stutters.
"About that—I am mad at you!" Gale says, coming to join me, "My moms at least did what they did because they were trying to protect me. What is your excuse for finding out about me being born and immediately deciding to kidnap me?"
"Your mother—my wife—she was depressed, we couldn't have a child. I needed a child—,"
"Yes, that's why adoption agencies exist, and surrogates, and the like, and not kidnapping your actual nephew, who had a mother who wanted him. She was right," Gale says, pointing at Jade, "Surely if your brother was actually dead you could have paid my mother some even small part of his inheritance? Since I'm his only living descendant that you knew of anyway that could have been confirmed with a blood test let alone a spell?"
"I know I could have done that. I didn't want to. You were the closest thing I thought I'd ever have to a son," he says, sighing a little, "I'm not going to apologize. I wanted a son, and I was selfish. And jealous. I didn't think it would ever matter, and I didn't think he'd ever find out. I assumed he'd never speak to the mother again—no offense I don't remember your name right now if it makes you feel better I am lucky I remember mine—,"
"Nel," My mother says.
"Okay, so you're just a jerk," Gale folds his arms, "Well I don't want to be your son. I am not anyway. I'll divide my time between my two moms, and him if he wants me—,"
"Of course I want you—both of you," Shane says, looking at me as well. I duck my head a little. I lied to him I don't deserve that.
"We all do—boys don't, don't blame your father. Gale he got you for me because I was depressed I wanted a baby so badly, he was worried for me," Anita says.
"And that's so nice and doesn't justify kidnapping!" Gale cries.
"Thank you!" Shane says, pointing at Gale.
"It, really doesn't," Jade shrugs.
"Okay! Fine, you can all—feel that way, but it is over, and you know now," Alec growls.
"I've known, I chose not to meet you because I didn't think I'd like you and I don't," I say.
"Not helping," Jade says.
"Not trying to," I say. She grins and hides it behind a gloved hand.
"You know what? You're right, it is over, come on boys, and you, I forgot how we got you," Shane says, motioning to Jade, "Come on Nel, let's just go we showed 'em the kids are alive like you thought we should."
"Ah—aren't we forgetting something?" I ask, not leaving.
"What?" Alec who knows damn well what brought this up.
"The only reason this entire thing came to light is the damned amplifier, which fucking Angel still has," I say, leaning on the back of a sofa.
"What?" My mom asks, frowning.
"Who is Angel?" Anita asks.
"Oh, good, nobody filled anyone in," Jade says, dryly.
"Mac, you're good at explaining things, go on," Gale sighs, sitting down on an ottoman, putting his face in his hands.
"We went down into the labyrinth to do the trails, Gale had the amplifier, for obvious reasons I thought I could use it so I went with him," I say.
"You can," Anita frowns.
"You would think that wouldn't you?" I smile at Alec who glowers at me.
"Our dad and Alec here followed—,"
"Should have told her yourself, now I'm summing up. So, we get down there, get caught in a nefarious trap someone very smart and sexy came up with—,"
"I feel like there's a reason he said that and I should realize it," Shane says, frowning, while Jade dies internally.
"—and the easiest way to get out was using the amplifier. Naturally, Gale couldn't. It would work for Alec, but he was too injured to cast and the trap was meant for the next in line. So I tried. It didn't work for me," I say.
"That's ridiculous, you're the heir," Anita says.
"Yes, that's the point of all this—the curse was on you because you were next in line," my mother frowns.
"Funny thing about curses. They're hella specific. The curse was that the Soren family would not produce an heir. An heir is a legitimate child who can inherit the family name. The reason my condition improved when I was removed from your custody was partly because we were inadvertently cheating the curse, I was no longer inheriting the family name as legally I'm Mac Embry. Similarly, Gale never got the curse because while on paper he was Gale Soren, he can't legally be your heir he's not your two's son," I say.
"I didn't even think—of course you were no longer the heir so it was weakened," my mother says.
"Sticky, but it helped your magic along, now if I'd been reclaimed you were right to worry, I doubt your spells would have kept working. Because I would have been the heir again," I say.
"So—what's the point? The amplifier only works for the heir and you weren't?" Anita frowns.
"No. See, magical laws and rules are also hella specific. So. The very intelligent, indispensable, and sexy person with very good hair who created the Soren amplifier, made the terms for inheriting the power much looser. The amplifier can only be wielded by the eldest male warlock of the Soren line, to be specific. That's the spell that's on it. Nothing to do with heir. Now, it's been hundreds of years since that was ever written, so in popular translation that works out to be first born son of the first born son, however the original text was looser, to allow for a variety of scenarios in which possibly the first born son died without heirs, or didn't produce any legitimate ones," I say, looking at Alec.
"So what are you saying?" Anita frowns.
"That means that if you had died—Gale would have inherited the amplifier?" My mother says, "The switch would have worked."
"Correct, in fact it would have been a perfectly valid way to cheat the curse, that is, if Gale or even I were the oldest son produced by the Soren family," I say, looking at the brothers, "You see, the curse assumed, incorrectly, that the phrasing 'next male heir', was sufficient. But it didn't account for illegitimate offspring. An illegitimate son, by the original wording of the use of the amplifier, would have full power over the amplifier, but would be completely unaffected by the curse on the Soren heirs."
"What?" My mother gets it.
"What—but you said neither you nor Gale could use it," Anita doesn't get it.
"In the middle of our altercation, another warlock showed up, perfectly able to wield the amplifier," Shane says.
"I didn't know," Alec growls.
"What?" Anita gets it now.
"He had a child out of wedlock, older than Gale or Mac, who was unaffected by the curse as he's not an heir, yet by the rules of the amplifier is fully able to inherit it's power," Jade clarifies.
"You—have another son?" Anita stares at her husband.
"I didn't know until—whatever a few hours ago, yesterday—I had no idea," Alec sighs.
"We can probably believe that he would have probably kidnapped that kid too. Or maybe he only does that with other people's kids," Shane points out.
"Okay—so that nullifies either of you completing the trials then," my mother says, looking at me and Gale, "It's this—person's—responsibility."
"Who was she?" Anita asks, quietly.
"I have no idea! All I can assume is it is—the incident I told you about," he sighs, glancing at all of us.
"Don't let us keep you from this very personal conversation we're all now invested in," Jade says, "Pretend we're not here."
"Kind of involves us all now," Shane snarls.
"We were separated. I blamed him for the curse and our children dying," Anita says, folding her arms.
"I was drunk. I told her about the incident after it happened it didn't matter—I don't remember the woman's name, she was married too. I doubt if she even knew I was the father," Alec sighs, angrily.
"Brogg, Angel Brogg, his mother's married to a non-magic user, or she was for a bit. He's a year or two ahead of us in school?" I look at Gale to confirm.
"Parents are separated, mother's a witch, father is in prison now I think," Gale says, shrugging, "I don't know I've only met him at duels a handful of times."
"Same, but he's good, he can beat Ozzie in sparring," I say, "I don't want to begin to imagine what he's doing with that amplifier."
"Well—the trials are his now—we'll help him certainly," Anita is over it and kind of relieved Gale and I don't have to do it.
"Yes, now you know who he is," Nel says.
"Oh, it didn't go well," Shane says, "For obvious reasons he doesn't like this family."
"He ah, wants to use the amplifier for his own means, and he has no intention of redoing the seal, after a brief somewhat friendly conversation on our side and apologies for who we are as people he tried to kill Mac and set goblins on us," Gale says.
"What?" My mother asks.
"Yeah, that's how I got the kiss of the Necromancer, he killed me with the amplifier, but hey now I'm over the Soren-heir-curse," I shrug.
"Okay, wait a minute—if he's older than you, then—don't you only have two years to complete the trails?" My mother asks.
"Correct. So we need to find out his birthday," I look at Alec, "Was assuming we could do that!"
"It's an honest mistake! I have no idea, I can't even tell you when that happened this was seventeen years ago or so?" Alec sighs.
"Records will take time," I say.
"Time we don't have if he's a solid two years older than us? The seals could be opening in two days time," Gale says.
"We need to get the amplifier away from him," Alec says, "First things first— I'm the only person we trust wielding it—,"
"Do we trust you though?" Shane asks.
"—more than him," Alec growls.
"That doesn't do any good when you can't reseal it," Jade says.
"No, but does he need this very powerful thing? I think no," Alec says, "Perhaps with it out of his hands we can persuade him to cooperate."
"He didn't look like he wanted to be persuaded," Shane says.
"First things first, we need to figure out when his birthday is, to see how much time we even have," Jade speaks up, "Mac, and I, and Shane will go and find that out. Gale, you and your moms need to rally everyone to protect the gates to the labyrinth. All the magical community needs to know is it's under attack. You're the legitimate heir in everyone's eyes, you're the only one who should be allowed near the entrances. That will at least stop him from opening the seals himself."
"Why are you in charge?" Alec asks.
"Wow, whose fault is this entire situation?" Jade asks, pointing at the adults other than Shane in general.
"I realize you're saying it's mine—," Alec begins.
"Very good, if you feel like doing something, try to figure out who the boy's mother is. Come on," Jade says to me, and Shane.
"She's right. We need to stop him from opening the gates," Anita says.
"And we need to go," Jade says.
"Why are we coming with you?" Shane asks.
"Oh, I don't trust either of you alone or around them specifically Alec," she says.
Shane and I glance at each other and shrug because she probably is right.

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