Chapter 7: Getaway

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Sean POV:

"Wahhh!!! I'm sorry Sean! I just wanted to be cool! Like you!" Bethany whined

She thinks I'm cool? Cooler than Drew I hope

"I wanted to make music...and show my friend Hannah...I was gonna give it back! I promise!"

I feel kind of bad..

"What about this, when I come visit, we could make a song together! Just, don't go taking other's things without permission. Promise?"

She shook my hand


"Thanks you, Sean..."

"No problem mrs. Wickham!"

Me and Milly were waiting for her car at Milliot mart

"Jake so has a thing for Hailey, doncha think?"

"You know he likes Daisy, right?"

"Oh...they'd both be cute. Guess I'm just a multishipper!"

"A what?"

"Oh Sean, you're such a boomer!"

"I- hey! I'm only 2 years older than you!"

Her car then arrived to pick her up

"You sure you don't need a ride?"

"Yeah, I could just walk there!"

"Suit yourself. See ya boomer!"

She teased as she went in her car

Gens these days

Daisy POV:

I was just...crying...on a bench..when I saw someone from school

"O-oh! Hey! I was just gonna lea-"

"Daisy, what's wrong?! Did someone hurt you?!" Said Sean

"'s something-"

"You can always tell me, we're friends, right?"


"It's just been really stressful...if I'm not in class, I'm doing head girl duties..if not, I'm at dance rehearsals or at the animal shelter...I wanted to drop one of those things, maybe even step down as head girl, if the school allowed me"

"I told my mom, but she disagreed...I sort of, snapped, and then I went here" I added

I covered my face

"God- I'm so pathetic..."

"You're not. It's normal to be stressed if you have that much on your plate"

Wow...he's really sympathetic...

"I'm jealous of you Sean"

"What's there to be jealous about?"

"You'll be graduating soon! I wish I was...once I do, I'd like to get out of this place, explore new places, try new things!"

I sigh...but then...he sang? He can do that?

"If I drove to you tonight, would you want to get away?"

"We could get on a flight and leave today"

"And my mind has been running around"

"Thinking of where I'd rather be now"

"Know it has been a while

"Since you envisioned what you was dreamed of"

"Will you take my hand and run?"

"Won't you take my hand and we can getaway?"

"Here we go"

"Where dreams will be awakened on the road"

"All I know"

"Is we'll be reflecting back when we are old"

"Let's just run"

"And as we move we'll see you'll love the stars align"

"Now we are the young"

"So just take my hand, let's getaway tonight"

"Look out and see the lights, our future starts today"

"And I'm in love with the sight, there's nothing I would change"

"When you are here by my side"

"You're the wind in my sail and I'm the ocean"

"We can feel alive"

"Riding these waves out in the open"

"Will you take my hand and run?"

"Won't you take my hand and we can getaway?"

"Here we go"

"Where dreams will be awakened on the road"

All I know is we'll be reflecting back"

"When we are old"

"Let's just run"

"And as we move we'll see you'll love the stars align"

"Now we are young"

"So just take my hand, let's getaway tonight"

"Let's just run"

"And as we move we'll see you'll love the stars align"

"Now we are young"

"So just take my hand, let's getaway tonight"

"Thanks for keeping me company, Sean!"

"No need! If you need us, me and mr. Broom will ALWAYS have your back! Just, don't make it a habit to cry on park benches. It's dangerous!"

"It's fine! Both my moms made me make self defense classes so I'm not COMPLETELY defenseless"

"Daym gurl! Alright, I won't underestimate you! Say uhm, want my number?"


"Oh uhm, if you need someone to talk to, you can always call, or, text me?"


"Oh Sean! Of course! Let's do it!"

We gave eachother our numbers and I walked home

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