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"I ask you one more time Miss Griffin, where is the hard drive?" The man standing in front of her was the thirty sixth Chancellor of the Ark, Thelonius Jaha. Clarke remembered being bounced on his lap as a little girl, and learning how to play chess from him along side his son. He was her parents closest friend, and her godfather. Two months ago he had executed her father for attempting to disturb the peace and was now interrogating her.

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you..." Clarke ranted under her breath. Clarke had grown up privileged, not blind. She knew of the terrors of the Ark, she knew of the suffering of the working class—she wanted to help, she always tried to help. That was what she was trying to do that day, but her own mother sold her out.

"Clarke sweetheart please, just tell him." Clarke's mother was near tears. Clarke wasn't sure if it was because she was covered in blood or because she was threatened with death row. "If you tell him you'll get life imprisonment instead of death row."

Clarke stared at her mother. Everyone had always complimented Clarke on her beauty, said she looked just like her mother. Clarke hoped they had all been lying, because at that moment her mother looked pathetic. Clarke spat the blood in her mouth on the Chancellors face, "Fuck the Council."

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