Chapter One

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          The Skybox was divided into five levels. The top two floors were normal prison levels, a cell shared between four people of the same gender. The second floor was for the groundhogs, a nickname given to children born outside of the one child policy. Occasionally the floor was shared by women that were pregnant with multiple children and refused to get an abortion. These cells would be shared between two to three people. The fourth floor was showers, toilets, cafeteria, etc.

          The fifth floor was where Clark was, solitary confinement. Small rooms that kept the sound out. Lonely, damp—while the oxygen that got into the Skybox was already second hand and less than needed, it went through the first floor first and the fifth floor last.

          Clarke had been in solitary confinement for two and a half years. She hadn't heard or seen anyone for over two years. Food was given through a hatch in the door every four days, and a little bit of water every two. There was a clock on the wall that ticked so very loudly, that it drove her mad. They were days she would continuously bash her head into a wall and fall unconscious, only to wake up with her head bandaged.

          There was a guard that used to talk to her the first few weeks. She didn't know his name, or what he looked like, only that he loved history. Clarke had dubbed him 'Toffee' because he brought her caramel toffee. One day he disappeared and Clarke worried it was because he talked to her even though he wasn't supposed to.

          Suddenly, there was noise other then the clock. The door to her cell was being unlocked, and three heavily armed guards were entering.  "Prisoner 319, hands up and face the wall."

          "My birthdays isn't for another three weeks, so fuck off!" Clarke threw her pillow at them.

          "We repeat, prisoner 319. Hands up and face the wall." They didn't wait for the instructions to be followed as they came in close.

          "Stop." Clarke looked to see her mother standing at the door. "Stand outside, I need to talk to my daughter alone."

          One of the guards nodded. "Yes Councillor Griffin."

Clarke's mother ran up to her and hugged her. "Don't worry baby, your going to Earth, all one hundred of you."

"Was it your idea?" Clarke pushed her mother away.

"Yes, but—"

"But nothing! Fuck you mom, there are little kids here, under the age of ten!"

"I know sweetheart, but this give you all a chance to live." Her mother hugged her once again.

Clarke scoffed again. "Don't make this out to be something it isn't, this is just so you and you dumb council can—" Clarke felt a sharp pain on the back of her neck, and then it all went to black.


Clarke woke up with a gasp. Eyes darting, she realized she was in a dropship—her and ninety nine other children were going to Earth. The dropship was circular with two pairs of seat set in rows back-to-back. Clarke counted eight seats in a row, and guessed that the rest of the seats were in the levels above them.

The dropship was loud, with the excited chatter of a hundred teenager. A boy had taken his seat belts off and was floating in zero gravity. There was a screen on the wall, it crackled and came to life showing the Chancellors face. "Prisoners of the Ark, you've been given a second chance—"

"Your dad's a dick Wells!" A boy shouted, which caused Clarke's to look to her left and see her best friend sitting right beside her all along. The boy that originally been floating around was replaced by two others.

"—we need to learn if the Earth is survivable, and your crimes have made you... expandable. If it is, all your crimes forgiven—even if it was murder."

"Damn, that some deal." Clarke turned to her left to see a woman sitting next to her. "Roma Bragg, refused an abortion to twins. I'm due in four months. What about you?"

Wells knew Clarke wouldn't answer so he does for her. "Wells, but you probably already know that. I set fire the Tree. This here is my friend Clarke, she's been in solitary for two years. Don't know what her crime was."

Clarke glared at him "Two years, seven months, one week, three day."

Roma stared for a second than laughed. "Oh, my friends will love you. Ill introduce you guys on the ground okay?"

There was a sudden jerking, and the two boys that had been floating flew across the ground and landed face first in the corner, a few screams, and then nothing. Just heavy, shaky breathes and silent tears of relief.

"We've landed." Said a boy with goggles.

An Asian boy in a too-small hoodie nudged the goggled boy. "Listen, no machine hum."

"Well, that's a first." The boy that hand originally been floating around was out of his seat again, which encouraged the others to get out to. His attention turned to Clarke. "Hey, your the traitor princess that's been in solitary for two years right?"

Something about the boy or the words he said rubbed her the wrong way. One second her vision was clear, two seconds and she saw red, three seconds and she'd unbuckled her belts and on the fifth second she tackled the boy to the floor and was beating him to a pulp before Wells could stop him. The children sound them kept chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Clarke was pulled off by strong tense arms, and before she could attack the man Wells came up from behind her and pulled her into him. "Shush...lets not attack a man with a gun."

"The hell was that Princess?" The man speaks up.

Clarke's eyes widened, that voice was so familiar. "Two years, seven months, one week, three days. Why were you only there for two week and one day?"

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