Chapter Two

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They had landed on Earth an hour ago and already everything was going to hell. Wells got into a fight with a boy named Murphy, the boy that she had attacked earlier rescued him, Bellamy—as she learned Toffee's real name was—had a little sister name Octavia just two years younger than herself, there was another pregnant woman other than Roma on board named Grace. Grace was having her babies a few week earlier than the due date, and Clarke was glad that being attached to her mother hip as a child was a good thing for once.

          "You, get a fire starting. You get a pot or something. And you, I need water. The water needs to be boiled. And if someone could get something for the babies to wear that would be great, its chilly." Clarke pointed at the boy with the goggles, his Asian friend, and Murphy. All three ran off to get the jobs done.

          Roma gestures to Octavia and a dark haired boy, "Let's go, we'll try and make tents too while at it."

          A blonde girl came forward. "I'll help."

          Bellamy called out after Roma and whispered something in his ear. Roma nodded and Bellamy took Nathan—Clarkes neighbour from Alpha Station—and a tiny mean looking girl with a friend braid and went into the woods. The rest of the children were watching as Grace sat against a tree, heaving and. Her contractions were too close together already, the babies would be coming soon.

Wells started going around picking up sticks for a fire with the boy assigned to the task.

          A bright red haired boy walked up to them and handed Clarke his jacket. "I'm Ace. It's for the babies. So they don't come out on the dirt." Clarke nodded in thanks and went back to work. Ace turned to the rest of the children. "Let's move it people! We need tents up by nightfall!"

          The births were fast, and tragic. The first girl was dead and blue, the second girl had a cleft palate, but the third girl was fine. Grace had a glaze over her eyes when she saw the dead girl and had since stopped responding since. Bellamy had returned a little after that, Nathan helping him carry a dear. The girl they left with was carrying makeshift axes.

          Bellamy came to Clarke after he they set the dear down. "Grace?" He gently shook her. "How longs she been like this?"

          Clarke looked at the dead baby and Bellamy's eyes followed her gaze. While Clarke had both of the living girls cradled in her arms, their dead sister was still on the jacket between her mother's legs. "I don't know what to do. Most babies die if they have a cleft palate, i don't have the means to fix it."

          Bellamy sat still in thought for a moment before calling over a boy named Atom. Clarke noticed that he was the one with Roma and Octavia earlier. "They made a couple tents already, take grace to one. Clarke, you take the girls with him." He paused, "I get Miller to help me get a grave ready." With that, he wrapped the dead baby in the jacket and went to Miller.

As Atom grabbed Grace and started walking, Roma came up to her and grabbed the girl with the cleft palate. "Grace and I were cellmates along with Octavia. She tried to murder a man for trying to give her an abortion, she still lost one."

"Don't worry. Just take care of yourself and we'll pray your babies are better." Clarke gave her a stiff smile.

The tent was made from the parachute, and held up by a thin short log kept upright with rocks at the base. The tent was low, nobody could stand up straight in it. One of the seats from the dropship was in the corner so that was where Atom set Grace down.

"Hey." Clarke whirled around to see the girl that was with Miller and Bellamy earlier at the entrance of the tent holding blankets. She was so short that even standing up tall she didn't reach the top of the tent. "we found a few blankets."

Roma smiled in thanks as Atom grabbed them and set one beside the seat to set the girls on. Roma gave the baby in her hands to Atom and slung her arms around the short girls shoulder. "Where Blake, we need a sleeping arrangement that keep everyone warm."

Clarke and Atom set the girls on the blanket and Atom gave Clarke a hug from the side. "You go for a walk, I'll watch it here."

Clarke nodded her head in thanks and left the tent to go sit on a log with Octavia. "You're Bellamy's sister."

Octavia grinned. "And you're the girls that called him toffee all the time."

"To be fair, he didn't give me his actual name."

Octavia laughed, she was about to say something but was interrupted by a loud clap and high-pitched whistle.

"Listen up people!" Bellamy and Roma were standing in front of the fire that was lit earlier that day. "We need a sleeping arrangement that keeps everyone warm for the night, and that mean we gotta put away our prides and cuddle." He pointed to the tent Grace was in. "Everyone aged ten and under, along with Atom Lark and Roma Bragg, sleep in that tent. Remember that Grace is kinda weird right now, and there are two new born babies that you need to be careful not to squish."

"Babies!" A little boy with dark blonde curls yelled. A few giggle and laughed. Wells, who was standing right beside him, ruffled his hair.

Roma smiled at the boy. "Yes Tommy, babies. You can play with them tomorrow, not tonight." She point at two other tents that were on the opposite side of the dropship that Grace's tent was. "Those two tents will be for kids between fourteen and eleven. Boys in one and girls in another. The dropship can't be slept in because it being taken apart for supplies, so the rest will sleep outside."

A chorus of complaints went up in the group, cutting Roma off. Bellamy frowned and yelled, "Everybody shut up! We have a deer being cooked and just earlier Murphy and Mbege brought another one that's being skinned. Tonight we eat and huddle up for warmth and tomorrow we make hunt for food and skin it for blankets. We'll work on more tents to. Sound good to everyone."

"So you two are just going to order us around on your horses?" Asked a dark skinned boy.

His friend elbowed him and hissed, "Shut up Conner, Bellamy brought back the first deer. And Roma's been helping make tents. She also very obviously about to pop."

Roma smirked. "I still have two more months till its my turn, don't worry."

A few more giggles went around and everyone gathered around for food, excited for tomorrow.

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