Chapter Three

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The sun was glaring in her eyes, the birds were chirping in the trees all around her, someone foot was in her mouth and Clarke was sure that her foot was in someone else's armpit. Pushing the foot away from her face, Clarke sat up and glared at the girl. She had long blond hair and was still dead in sleep. A tap on her shoulder made Clarke look in the opposite direction. It was the boy with goggles and his friend.

"What?" Clarke hissed.

The boy smile. "I'm Jasper, this is Monty. We were going to go with your friend Wells along with Octavia and Finn to Mt. Weather. Wells has a map."

Clarke glared. "First, Wells' not my friend. He's a lier and an idiot. And who's Finn?"

Monty chuckled. "The guy you beat to a bloody pulp."

Clarke frowned. "No, I'll stay."

          The boys shrugged in unison and Clarke wondered if they shared a brain. The next few hours went on fairly busy, everyone was doing something. Except the kids under five—they were playing in the dirt. There were only seven of them, not counting the newborns. Clarke spent the morning helping Grace breastfeed her girls, but she still was coherent enough to name them. Ace had brought them leftovers from the previous night, after he had heated the food up.

          Bellamy had left with Miller and Monroe—the short mean girl—to go hunting right after his sister left with her group to go to Mount. Weather. Roma kept ranting about for ten minutes straight while they were carefully undoing the stitching on the parachute, "First those boys take a fifteen year old girl all alone, Bellamy should have tried harder to stop her. Octavia was raised under the floor! She doesn't understand social cues, she could get in trouble! And then Bellamy decide's it's a good idea to bring a psychotic fourteen year old girl with him to go kill some animals."

           The blond girl from earlier that morning—Harper, Clarke learned—shot her head up. "Psychotic?"

          Ace snorted. "She was my cellmate in solitary. Fucking batshit insane, I tell you. She tried to kill her twenty three years old cheating boyfriend with the airlock. She wasted a whole months worth of oxygen. Then she hunted down the other woman when the murder attempt failed and she had a teem of guards on her. She ended up gouging the woman's eyes out and eating them."

          None of that fazed Clarke. She had done similar things leading to her arrest. "You got a cell text in solitary?"

          Ace looked shocked. "You didn't? Damn, that's shit."

         Roma huffed. "We don't know the whole story. Zoe's just a kid. She needs help and a friend, instead they turn her into a guinea pig."

They worked carefully to undo the stitching on the parachutes, not wanting to wast the thread that could be used for something else. When the group to Mount. Weather returned, Octavia had a bloody leg and Jasper was missing.

Atom ran to Octavia and took over supporting her from Finn. "What happened."

Octavia huffed. "Some mutated snake in the water."

Roma looks for a moment. "Where's Jasper?"

The group that just returned looked to one another. "Grounders," said Finn.


"Animals and humans both survived the apocalypse, on earth. Someone speared Jasper through the heart."

A gasps and screams. Someone started crying. Clarke huffed. "Everybody shut up!" Turning to Monty she asked, "Did Jasper yell or anything?"

"Yeah, he screamed."

"Then we need to get him."

Finn shook his head. "We saw it okay. He was speared through the heart."

Clarke rolled her eyes. "If it was through the heart then he wouldn't have screamed, he'd have died on impact."

Monty straightened up. "So what do we do?"

Clarke shrugged. "There's not much we can't do. We just got here yesterday and Bellamy's the one with the gun. We need to wait for him."

"There back!" Ace called out.

Bellamy and the two others were each carrying a beaver in each hand. Miller's eyes landed on Octavia getting her leg stitch by Atom as the group set down the beavers and he nudged Bellamy. Bellamy rushed over in worry to his sister. "What happened out there?"

Clarke went up to him and leaned into his side, giving him a hug. "Snake in the water."

Bellamy scanned the place. "One's missing."

"Jasper was speared by grounders."

Bellamy's eyes remained wide and alert as Octavia explains everything. Bellamy nodded and turned to the rest of them. "Everybody back to work! Monty, start working on communicating with the ark. Roma and Ace, double the effort with tents. Murphy, skin the beavers. Dax, Conner, both Myles, both Lisas and Monroe go make use some more of those knives, axes, and spears. Charlotte, Atom and Tim, most of our clothes are dirty get the laundry going. Everyone else, find something to do. Help with the tents, the weapons, the communication, anything. Just get to work."

The crowds dispersed and everyone got back to work. Clarke stayed by his side. "So are we going?"

Bellamy frowned. "Where?"

"To rescue Jasper, duh. You're going to protect all of use."

Bellamy stood frozen in thought before sighing deeply. "Clarke, he's probably dead."

Clarke felt confused. "But you're Bellamy, you'll protect us. You'll save Jasper."

Octavia grabbed Bellamy's hand. "Big brother please. He save me."

Bellamy nodded to both girls before turning around and yelling, "Murphy, let Mbege do that. You get Ace, Miller, Monroe. Tell 'em we're getting Jasper Jordan." He turned back to Clarke, "You think you can handle an injury like that?"


"Your mom's a doctor isn't she? Can you help him?"

Bellamy needed something from her, and Clarke wanted to make him proud. "If you bring me a corpse Bellamy, I'll bring it to life."

Bellamy grinned widely. "That's my girl. O, you help her."

"Definitely." The two girls looked to each other and made their way to the dropship to see what they had in terms of medical supplies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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